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Updated: Jun 23, 2023

Happy Solstice! The Solstice became exact today, on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, at 10:57 AM New York time (14:57 GMT). It is of course the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.

The Solstice represents the zenith of polarity here on this planet, with 24 hours of daylight at the North Pole and 24 hours of darkness at the South Pole. Wherever you are in the Northern Hemisphere, it's the longest day, and wherever you are in the Southern Hemisphere, it's the longest night. For the purposes of this article, I will focus on what is relevant for those in the Northern Hemisphere, as that is where most of my audience is located.

The Summer Solstice, or Litha in the Wiccan tradition, represents the maximum illumination of the Sun/Father aspect. It is a celebration that the Sun King has reached his maximum strength, yet it is also the acknowledgment that he begins to lose his power as we head into winter with every day that comes after the Solstice.

It's a wonderful time to take stock of all that is good in your life and to practice giving gratitude. Life isn't always easy, and for so many of us Lightworkers, we have had a really difficult ride. Many of us are still navigating a particularly onerous course. But as arduous as things can get, there is always something to be grateful for, without exception.

Take some time to give thanks for your family, friends and pets. Take a moment to give thanks for the sun, the moon, and the stars. Express gratitude for the health that you do have, even if it isn't perfect. Show appreciation for the money, shelter, food, water, and resources that you do have, because there are certainly people on the planet who don't have anywhere close to what you have.

Pay tribute to the beauty and sanctity of nature. Mother Earth shines her brightest on this day: everything has bloomed and all the animals are out to play. Many creatures are already teaching their newborns the ways of the world after spring births.

Nature is something that most of mankind takes for granted. We keep polluting and toxifying the planet with little concern as to the long-term consequences (and when I say 'we', I mainly mean the large corporations and governments of the world).

As the Lightworkers, Starseeds, and Pagans of the planet, it's essentially become up to us to do what we can to mitigate the damage that is continually being precipitated by the powers that be. The simple task of appreciating and immersing our physical vessels in the nature that we do have left intact on the planet is a wonderful contribution toward this end.

We can also practice visualizing the Earth detoxifying, or use the Violet Flame or violet light to assist in the Earth's detoxification. I like to especially practice this when I visit any body of water.


Another great way of honoring and aligning with the Summer Solstice energies is to honor yourself. Just like the Full Moon illuminates the Shadow within so it can be healed, the Summer Solstice spotlights the most positive aspects of you. It is a time to acknowledge everything you're doing right, to appreciate yourself for your talents, and to bring out the charismatic side of you.

As Lightworkers and Empaths, we tend to internalize everything (including other people's 'garbage'). We are the ones that people come to when they need someone to listen to them and give them genuine feedback. But we also tend to quite easily blame ourselves for things that usually aren't even our fault, while neglecting to give ourselves credit for things or to compliment ourselves. We tend to be our own worst critics.

For a Lightworker and Empath, learning to be nice and gentle to oneself is an unavoidable and crucial part of the journey. It may actually feel like one of the most unnatural things possible. Helping someone else feels instinctive. But being genuinely nice, soft, and tender with oneself? That can literally be a scary prospect.

Learning to acknowledge our talents and gifts is a great start. We all have talents and things we are really good at. Many of these knacks we have developed through hardship. The talents and gifts that we have, whether they be something you'd consider to be of a spiritual nature or not, are God-given gifts that we should appreciate.

I'm an incredible writer and speaker, an amazingly gifted psychic, a marvelous healer, an encyclopedia of knowledge, a creative cook, and a great listener. I'm funny, witty, extremely intelligent, courageous, articulate, romantic, interesting, artistic, caring, gentle, and full of love. I am really, really kind to people, animals, and nature in general. What about you?

Use this Solstice time to look back upon all you've experienced, and if you can, to give thanks to all you've been through, even if you still don't agree with how the script of your life ended up being written.

Of course, on a higher level, the script was masterfully crafted by a higher aspect of you! That aspect of you that can see the big picture knew that this was how things had to go down. You haven't done anything wrong. You are exactly where you need to be!

Give thanks to all the experiences you've had—the good, bad, and the ugly. Acknowledge all the people you've come across—some who have had a significant impact in your life, and others who have merely been passersby in your movie. Appreciate all the places you've been, and all the experiences you've had. They’ve all shaped who you are (and who you are becoming).

No, things haven't been perfect, but maybe in a way, life has been perfect. Life is incredibly unpredictable, and even though we can do our best to create the lives we want to live through the Law of Attraction, affirmations, and intentions, there are always unseen forces that will ensure that there will be twists and turns we can't foresee. That's part of the fun of it (yes, as a reminder: this Game of Life is supposed to be fun at times!)

For an untamed mind, the past and future can be the enemy, but they don't need to be. It's all about how you relate to the past and the future. If you can, at least just for a moment, completely honor your past for what it is and cease trying to change it in any way. If you can do that you will come into alignment with Truth. If you can, at least for a moment, see the future as truly a blank canvas, then likewise you are in alignment with Truth.

If you are at peace with the past and you allow the future to be truly open to anything, then you have fully taken back your power of Free Will. Let that sit with you in your mind and your Heart for a moment. It may not make any sense to your mind, but see if your Heart feels expanded by that statement.

When the past and the future are your friend, you will find it much easier to feel like you're in the present moment, and to truly ground into your body. This is much more realistic and practical than trying to stay present all the time, which isn't really sustainable. Trying too hard to do anything tends to push it further away.

Very few people on the planet are both at peace with their past and truly allowing the future to be an unwritten book. You can tell those rare few by a feeling of presence and levity that you experience in their proximity.


The Sun also moves into the sign of Cancer on the Solstice. Cancer is the cardinal water sign of the Zodiac. It is ruled by the moon, which is the overseer of the emotional body. During Cancer season we tend to feel very emotional; we can cry at the drop of a hat. Interest grows in the feminine aspects of life. We feel a great call to enjoy the outdoors, to hug, to have alone time, to meditate, and to connect with our family.

Cancer is the ruler of the Fourth House, the House of Home. During Cancer season, we naturally feel inclined to connect with family, and to take care of our homes. Cleaning, organizing, and redecorating your home is a good idea during Cancer season—as is connecting with family, whether it be in-person, or over phone or video call.

During Cancer season, we connect with the nurturing aspects of self, a capacity that we all carry within. If you have children, focus on becoming the best parent possible. Or whoever you are in a position of taking care of—other family members, pets, plants, etc.--be the best, most nurturing parent that you can be.

Also, don’t forget that another important aspect of expressing that nurturing part of self is nurturing the self. Anything that is promoting of self-care is a great idea during Cancer season (e.g. meditation, exercise, going for a massage, watching a ‘comfort movie’).

We may desire more alone time during Cancer season, as the glyph of Cancer is the crab, which often likes to stay in its shell and take refuge from the outside world. Honor that desire when it comes up, and allow yourself to retreat from the world.

Swimming in lakes, ponds, rivers, and the ocean is a great idea during Cancer season, as it connects you physically and energetically with the water element. Make sure you're staying extra hydrated, too, especially when the inevitable heat waves hit.

We are likely to feel more connected with our pets and the Animal Kingdom during this time. Our pets don't speak English, but they feel our emotions, and we can feel theirs. Personally, nothing makes me feel better when I feel emotional, frustrated, sad, or lonely than hugging my dog.

Cancer season is also a deeply intuitive time. Your psychic senses will be on point, and there is a sense of a thinning of the veils. Intuitive guidance may come to you naturally even if you feel like you have struggled receiving guidance before.

Wishing you Love, Joy, and Celebration on this Solstice, Litha, and into Cancer Season!

With Love,

Matthew John

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