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Happy Lunar Eclipse and SuperMoon in Pisces! This Super Full Moon at approximately 25 ½ degrees of Pisces became exact at 10:34 PM New York time on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 (02:34 GMT on September 18). The Partial Lunar Eclipse reached its apex just about ten minutes later, at 10:44 PM EDT (02:44 GMT on September 18).

This is the first eclipse of a series of two in this current Eclipse Season. Lunar Eclipses always coincide with Full Moons. A Lunar Eclipse is like a supercharged Full Moon—it sets the stage for the next 6 months. This Eclipse is also a SuperMoon, meaning the moon is much closer to the Earth than usual, thus amplifying its power even further.

During Eclipse Season, we receive energetic downloads (we could call these codes) that serve to unravel what we no longer need to carry with us, while also redirecting us in the direction of our Highest Destiny in this life. Eclipse Season is an unsettled time when everything is undergoing recalibration. It is an uncertain time and it is certainly a time to expect the unexpected.

This is a North Node Eclipse, as the moon in the final decan of Pisces makes a very wide out-of-sign conjunction with the North Node, in the first decan of Aries. North Node Eclipses have to do with directing us (or redirecting us) toward our Highest Destiny in this life.

This Eclipse begins a series of eclipses on the Pisces-Virgo axis (the next being the March 13/14 Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo. The North Node moves into Pisces on January 11 (the True North Node, that is), and then we have our final eclipse in the Aries-Libra axis occurring on March 29. So, this eclipse essentially serves as a preview—and a portal opening to usher in the energy of the lunar nodes being in Pisces and Virgo.

On a global scale the North Node in Aries has been largely about war. It squares Mars in Gemini right now, inflaming conflict around the globe (but also, on a personal scale, causing petty interpersonal conflicts).

The North Node in Pisces, on the other hand, will have a lot to do with culture and communication. If you think life has become strange over the past decade with everyone now addicted to their iPhones, just wait—as during the North Node in Pisces time (mid-January 2025 through mid-July 2026), the way that we communicate with one another will likely fundamentally shift. Handheld phones could swiftly shift to devices worn on the body.

Also, we will see much more attention paid to culture—including music, art and fashion. Old fashion trends may well re-emerge, and new, innovative forms of art (holograms?) will enter the cultural ambiance.

Pisces is the realm of fantasy, and even fanaticism. It is likely that the geopolitical conflicts that began just before or during the North Node in Aries time will not only continue, but grow in magnitude. How fitting it is that the Israel-Hezbollah conflict intensified yesterday with Israel blowing up Hezbollah’s communication devices, considering what I just forecast for the North Node in Pisces time (re: communication and fanaticism).

Every Full moon is an opportunity to attempt to find balance between the two polarities that we are working with—so in this case, Pisces and Virgo. But we especially have a powerful opportunity now to work with this polarity, with it being an eclipse and a SuperMoon.

Pisces is the ruler of the 12th House, the House of the Unconscious. This house is the home of all of the unseen realms--including the unconscious mind and the dream world. Pisces’ glyph is two fish swimming in opposite directions. We can say that the space in the middle of the two fish is the unseen realm. The fish swimming in opposite directions can also represent indecision and duality.

Pisces is ruled by dreamy, ethereal Neptune; the themes of Pisces (and Neptune) include dreams, visions, all things psychic/intuitive, the unconscious mind, creativity, the arts, and emotions. It is totally normal to be feeling extra-creative, extra-intuitive, extra-sensitive and extra-emotional around this Full Moon (and in the days to come following it).

As a mutable water sign, one of the lessons that Pisces teaches us is how to shift, change, and grow gracefully. Pisces has no problem being totally different from one moment to the next, just as water has no qualms when gravity funnels it from a wide, flowing peaceful river into a ferocious and stunning waterfall.

Virgo, on the other hand, where the sun is, is all about keeping things in order, and micro-managing. Virgo is the ruler of the 6th House—the House of Health. This house is the realm of health, daily routines, and repetitive tasks (including those that are involved in work/career). Please check out my Virgo New Moon article for an in-depth look at the lessons of Virgo:

So, with this Pisces Eclipse, we are being challenged to find a Middle Road—an alchemy—between the right and left brains; intuition and logic; and surrendering to a flow and micromanaging.

Pisces is here to remind us that things will never be the same from one day to the next, and to resist the flow of the Universe will only cause you pain. People, relationships, experiences, possessions, money, feelings, emotions, problems and celebrations will all come and go.

The lesson of water is in the transient nature of all things. Water always exists, but it is always flowing from one place to another. Even if it evaporates, it will soon fall to the ground as water once again.

Here are some questions of contemplation to think about or journal on to go along with this Pisces Eclipse:

  • What if everything is working out exactly as it is meant to?

  • What would it feel like if I were to 'go with the flow' of life just a little bit more?

  • What if I really don't know as much about life as I thought I did? Could I let life be just a little bit more of a mystery?

  • What if I spent a little less energy trying to control life--and trusted a little more in the Universe to bring me exactly what I need in all moments?

  • Could I allow myself to feel all my emotions, as they come?

  • What makes me feel sensual? How can I expand my sensuality?

  • What makes me feel creative? How can I expand my creativity?

It’s also a good idea now to set intentions now for the next 6 months. Ask yourself, if all went well, and my Highest Possible Timeline were to unfold, what would I want to see manifest in my life over the next 6 months?


Mercury is at home in Virgo, which makes us want to be precise and thorough in our communication. It opposes the Retrograde Saturn in Pisces, which is causing us to have deep, real (and sometimes difficult) conversations with those who are important to us (partners, family, friends, and even ex-partners and colleagues).

Mars in chatty Gemini is squaring the North Node, bringing up petty interpersonal conflicts. Saturn is the ruler of karma, and it is going to dig up all that needs to be addressed—especially the deep stuff that really stems from other lifetimes--in the context of relationships of all types.

This energy is making us be brave and face things head on. The key to navigating the difficult things that are going to come up over the next few weeks is open-hearted honesty.

If you can courageously express yourself honestly—and also listen with an open heart to what the other person has to say—you will find that the ‘rough stuff’ that gets brought up during this time ends up being a blessing—as it will allow the energy to clear and refine in the context of the relationship, allowing it to graduate to the next level.

Venus is at home in relationship-oriented Libra, where it naturally wants to resolve things, find balance, and make amends (think the Temperance card in the tarot). It is opposing the Retrograde Chiron in Aries, meaning that although Venus’s current motus operandi is to find resolution, it will not do so at the expense of sweeping things under the rug. What needs to be talked about and addressed, needs to be talked about and addressed.

Ask yourself this question: if I were to be totally honest, and had no fear of the consequences of my honesty, what do I need to express to this person?

And also ask yourself: how can I be more of a compassionate, patient, and open-hearted listener?

For those relationships (of any type) that are nearing (or at) the end of their Soul Contract, the stuff that comes up during this Eclipse Season may serve to bring the relationship to an end. If that is what ends up happening, know that that is what was meant to be.


Pisces is the most artistic sign in the Zodiac, ruling over the creative aspect of art. We have a wonderful Grand Earth Trine right now, between Pluto (Retrograde) in Capricorn, Uranus (Retrograde) in Taurus, and the sun in Virgo. The Retrograde Neptune at home in Pisces also joins in, making a Minor Grand Trine with Pluto and Uranus to form a kite formations.

Neptune is providing the artistic energy, Pluto is providing the emotional energy, and Uranus is providing the creative energy—and the sun is illuminating all of it. It’s a great time to express your soul’s feelings, desires and insight through art and creativity. So, now is a great time to make some art, or to go to an art gallery and enjoy gazing at some art.

With the sun being in Virgo at the tail of the kite, it is also a wonderful time to express ourselves creatively through words—poetry, creative writing, journaling--or just in every day speech.

With all the outer planets involved being Retrograde, we are talking a lot about the past—reminiscing in nostalgia, and reforming our viewpoints on how we relate to our past experiences. It can be helpful to work this stuff out through the context of art and journaling.


The sun and moon formed a T-Square with Jupiter in mutable air Gemini on this Full Moon. The T-Square has 5 degrees of orb, but since this is a SuperMoon and Eclipse, all of the aspects that are being made to the moon are greatly amplified. Venus—which rules over pleasure—is at home in Libra, trining Jupiter. One of the shadow aspects of Jupiter in Gemini is overindulgence and addiction. With these aspects, we are likely to be chasing dopamine/pleasure.

People are indulging around this time—oftentimes to their own detriment. If you are an addict or an ex-addict, please take care around this time. This includes alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, video games—or anything else that one might consider an addiction.

If you are someone who has suffered with addiction, or someone close to you has suffered (or is suffering) with addiction, then please e-mail me at for a copy of my very helpful Addiction Relief for Lightworkers masterclass.


The Federal Reserve (or Fed, colloquially) of the United States made a surprising announcement yesterday, when they decided to aggressively cut interest rates by a half point, signaling that inflation has slowed enough to make a ‘soft landing’ of the economy plausible. Jupiter’s T-Square with the sun and moon may have provided the impetus for aggressive action—one that could potentially have precarious consequences.

The last two times the Fed began a rate-cut cycle with such an aggressive cut, the economy essentially crashed soon thereafter—the most recent example being 2008. Of course, 2008 was the beginning of Pluto’s time in Capricorn, and now we are at the other bookend—the conclusion of Pluto’s time in Capricorn. So, we shall see what happens this time—but it is possible that Jupiter’s influence in this Full Moon chart caused the Fed to overstep.


    The Universe is the ultimate teacher.

    Taking part in the Earth game requires the utilization of an ego, which is the vehicle used to navigate the journey. The ego is the 'you' that thinks, speaks and animates the body, though of course there is also a deeper you that comes out to play sometimes, which is called the soul.

    One of the many illusions of ego occurs when someone believes they have 'figured it all out'. As the spiritual journey is designed to break down all of the ego's structures and defense mechanisms, this will usually through the Law of Attraction cause the Universe to create surprises in your life—which actually falls under the realm of Uranus--in order to make you feel confused or lost.

    When surprises happen in life and it leads someone into a place of confusion, depression or feeling lost, this is sometimes referred to as the Dark Night of the Soul.

    The quickest evolution in the spiritual journey happens experientally--not conceptually. The fastest evolution occurs when things go wrong or when life doesn't go the way you want it to. When that happens, we can choose to remain bitter and to believe that things 'should' have happened differently (an illusion of ego thinking it knows better than the Universe) or we can harness the energy of Pisces and ride the flow of water toward where life wants to take us, which is not necessarily where we want to take life.

    Every time I've thought that I had life all figured out—that I've had my future planned out and handed to me on a silver platter—life has said 'ahhh, not so fast' and thrown me surprises.

  • It's a humbling reminder to never be too sure of your future: it is healthy to set goals and imagine an amazing future for yourself, however it's best to detach yourself from attachment to the details and allow the Universe to fill those in for you--lest you find yourself confused and disappointed when things turn out differently than you'd imagined.

    When things don't work out the way you had hoped, or when life throws you unexpected curveballs, surprises or problems to solve, it is always an opportunity to allow yourself to be further humbled. It's certainly OK to have goals, visions, aspirations about your own life, and opinions and theories about politics, life, God, the Universe, or whatever you're interested in, however ultimately life is a mystery and the more that we allow it to be that, the easier it is to be at peace.

    When you find yourself in confusion and unsure of your direction; if the Universe has humbled you with unexpected events, you may find yourself in a Dark Night of the Soul. When the ego can no longer make sense of the spiritual journey, or even if it believes it has completely lost control of the spiritual journey, this is when the person is able to enter into a deeper state of surrender, and the ego is able to integrate further back into the Light of the Soul as the person seeks healing and deeper meaning.

    When this Dark Night of the Soul ends, the person is wiser, there is less of a hardened ego shell to be found, and often the person's circumstances are vastly different. And then, with less of an ego shell to be found, the spiritual initiate is able to step into a new phase of the spiritual journey.

I created a webinar specifically on Navigating the Dark Night of the Soul. E-mail me at to purchase it.

  • Another lesson of Pisces is the teaching of neutrality. Water is neither good nor bad; it simply is--and it is mutable. Water is necessary for life, however heated to a boil it will burn your skin. No event in our life is good nor bad; it simply is, and it is a part of a much larger picture that we cannot possibly see. To relay this point, I want to share a Zen story from Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth:

    “Once upon a time there was an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit.

    “'Such bad luck,' they said sympathetically.

    “'Maybe,' the farmer replied.

“The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses.

“'How wonderful,' the neighbors exclaimed.

“'Maybe,' replied the old man.

“The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown, and broke his leg. The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy on his misfortune.

“'Maybe,' answered the farmer.

  • “The day after, military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army. Seeing that the son’s leg was broken, they passed him by. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out.

    “'Maybe,' said the farmer.”

    Nothing is ever good or bad. Each and every moment is both an ending and a new beginning. Be like water, and embrace the mystery of it all!


    Pisces is the sign of duality (thus the fish swimming in different directions)--and the shadow side of Pisces is judgment. When you consciously work on letting go of judgment of your journey—including how in your mind you compare or line up with others who are on a similar path—you are transcending this Piscean duality and elevating more into the Unity Consciousness of the Aquarian Age.

    Judgment of anything tends to hold it in place—whether this is an internal pattern of thought, a habit, a physical issue, or a bothersome life situation. Although this can sometimes seem like a cruel twist, it most certainly has a positive intention.

    We are being taught to move from duality to nonduality, to love the Shadow Self as much as the more Enlightened Self. Anything less than that unconditional love and acceptance will usually cause whatever is being judged to stubbornly stay in place.

    We are here to learn to accept ourselves fully, as well as to learn to come into alignment with the 'ISness' of life: learning to accept (and ultimately, be grateful for) whatever blessings, triumphs, trials or tribulations the omniscient Universe grants us.

    A wonderful question to ponder is this: What if everything that happens in my life is always for my greater good, no matter what? And if this were really true, would that change the way you think about life? Would it put you at peace?

    Here are some other good questions to ask yourself (or preferably, to journal on) during this Pisces Eclipse time:

  • What am I still holding against myself? What am I still holding against the world?

  • What have I not yet been willing to forgive myself for? What have I not yet been willing to forgive others for?

  • What bothers me or repulses me about the outside world? Is there anything about the outside world that I judge that I also tend to judge in myself?

  • Can I acknowledge that there is Divinity in darkness? Can I see the Divinity in my own Shadow aspects?

  • Could I bring just a little bit more acceptance to those things about myself that I have not been able to come to accept fully or come to peace with?

  • Could I bring just a little bit more acceptance to those things about myself that I feel others judge me for?

  • Could I bring just a little bit more acceptance to my exact life circumstances, as they are RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW? What if everything is actually going as planned?

  • Could I bring just a little bit more acceptance to what is going on in the world right now? What if everything is actually going as planned?

  • Pisces—and its ruler Neptune—have a lot do to with intuition and all things psychic and mystical. Let's dive into that now.


    Oftentimes I get asked by people whether their third eye is open or closed, and how to open it.

  • Well, first of all, almost everyone's third eye chakra is open to some extent. The third eye chakra is not only in charge of clairvoyance, but it also is also associated with the quality of your thoughts and your decision-making. It can be said that all potential realities come in through the back of your third eye chakra, you ponder the decisions in your mind, and then the choices you make come out of the front of your third eye chakra.

So, yes, the third eye chakra has more of a function than just clairvoyance. It is also used to visualize and imagine. If you have trouble visualizing, then that could be an indication that your third eye chakra is not operating at its optimal function.

I kind of liken the third eye to a shipping dock that handles both imports and exports. You can export by visualizing or imagining, or you can import by seeing/receiving visions. It's two different functions of the same mechanism. So, in order to open up the 'importing' function of the third eye, it can be very helpful to practice more and more with the 'exporting' function.

Visualize! Do guided meditations as much as you can. Or simply, set your intention to connect to a place or a period in time (e.g. Lemuria, Ancient Egypt, the Pleiades, your own future) and allow yourself to be taken there.

This takes a lot of practice, and you will likely doubt yourself. There's really no clear answer on how to know whether what you're seeing with your third eye is real or illusory (both fall in the realm of Neptune), so use your intuition (also Neptune), but also ask whether what you saw makes sense?

  • Keep a healthy skeptic's mindset, at least in the back of your mind. Perhaps what you're seeing is totally real and accurate, perhaps its somewhat real and accurate, or perhaps it's an illusion. What does your intuition say afterward? What does your logical mind say afterward? Use input from both to form an opinion on the accuracy of your third eye experience.

  • Another great way to get in touch with the Neptune-ness of this eclipse is to keep a dream journal.

    I find my dream world to be fun and fascinating. I often don't want to wake up because I want to see where the dream will go next. If I wake up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, then when I lay back down, I am excited to re-enter the dream, hopefully where it left off, like I had hit the pause button on my remote control while watching a movie.

    I believe that in the dream world, we are living out alternate realities that we can't experience in the physical world. Oftentimes, these alternate realities have a correlation with our physical lives, which is why we can sometimes find symbolism and precognition in our dreams.

Sometimes I find meanings in my dreams, while oftentimes I just see my dreamworld adventures as fun or interesting experiences. If you really want to get serious about interpreting your dreams, then keep a dream journal; and don't take anything from a dream book or a YouTube video or webpage about dream symbols at face value. Dream interpretation is extremely complex and personal.

Sometimes just one or two symbols in a dream are the really relevant parts when it comes to interpretation. But the theme and feeling of the dream must be taken into account, as well as, most importantly, how you felt about the symbols during the dream.

If you’d like to purchase my Dream Interpretation webinar for just $33 USD, please e-mail me at

  • Sometimes, we are simply living out alternate realities, and there's no need to find symbolism or meanings in the dreams. Use a fusion of logic and intuition to decide which is the case.

Wishing you a Happy Eclipse SuperMoon in Pisces!

  • With Love,

    Matthew John

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