Happy 12:12 Portal! Annually, December 12 is a powerful portal day, as the numerology of 12 signifies the completion of a cycle (think: 12 signs in the Zodiac). On Thursday, it’s a great day to do meditations and rituals to let go of what no longer serves you—or simply to set the intention to let go of that which you know you have completed and are only continuing to bear as dead weight.
12 being a master number also signifies an elevated vibrational state. Take advantage of this portal day to elevate your words, actions, intentions—and even thoughts—to match more closely with the higher vibrational version of you.
We all have a higher vibrational version of self—call it the Higher Self if you’d like—that is always there, existing as a part of us, waiting for us to step more fully into it.
On portal days, it is a rare opportunity to practice bringing the Higher Self into the more day-to-day you. A great way to start with this is by ceasing to complain or talk negatively for a full day.
Did you know that your spoken words carry a weight with magnitudes more of an effect on reality than your thoughts? It is not always easy to manage one’s thoughts—but one always has the opportunity to manage the words they speak out loud (and by improving the quality of one’s words, the quality of the thoughts will soon follow).
On portal days, it’s a good idea also to be silent more than usual—to just listen and observe reality. There’s a reason why Buddhists—and other religions—emphasize the power of silence.
It’s also a great day to connect with our benevolent extraterrestrial friends. Call in those beings above us on this day—whether in meditation, or while sky watching.
Happy New Moon in Sagittarius! This New Moon at approximately 9 1/2 degrees of Sagittarius became exact at 2:20 AM New York time (06:20 GMT) on Sunday, December 1, 2024. Since New Moons have an energetic effect that carries for 28 days, we can expect to feel these Sagittarian energies for a while—but especially through the end of Sagittarius season, which concludes on December 21.
Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign that brings an energy of play, passion and spontaneity to the Zodiac. Sagittarius is the bridge from autumn to winter in the Northern Hemisphere, as during Sag season the falling leaves give way to falling snow.
Ruled by optimistic, auspicious Jupiter, ‘The Archer’--which is a centaur--serves as a reminder that a life without spontaneity, risks, or new experiences is a boring one! Sagittarius reminds us to go after what we really want in life—unapologetically—and to not be afraid to take some risks along the way.
There is a general sweetness and excitement in the air with this New Moon. Sagittarius is the sign of optimism. Sagittarius is one of the signs of the Zodiac that emphasizes freedom. The Archer prefers to roam free and untied, rather than to nest in one place like Cancer for example. One of the things to focus on over the next three weeks (and especially between now and the December 21 Solstice) is how to bring more freedom into your life.
Sagittarius is the ruler of the 9th House, the House of Philosophy. Aside from being a roamer and an adventurer, Sagittarius is also the great philosopher of the Zodiac! With the Sag New Moon, we naturally feel inclined to read books, learn new things, and engage in philosophical discussions. In general, Sagittarius is associated with emotions, adventure, travel, athletics, growth, international affairs, eccentric things, and philosophy.
We also are going to want to spend money on fun activities--or buy things that bring us pleasure--like toys, flowers and artwork.
For the first time in two years, Mars—the planet of action and the masculine energies—has gone Retrograde. It stationed Retrograde at just over 6 degrees of Leo on Friday, December 6. It is just now (slowly) moving Retrograde, though it is still very exalted.
While Mars is moving slowly, it is causing us to feel frustrated, indecisive, and stuck in the mud. We can feel like we are at a crossroads but don’t know what to do, or where to go. We can feel like we have a whole bunch of confusing emotions that we are suppressing. On the New Moon, the sun and moon squared Saturn, adding to this inner anxiety that Mars’s slow apparent movement is causing.
Sometimes, the emotions we are suppressing can burst out, like a steaming tea kettle. Be mindful of managing your emotions and being kind and gentle with others during this time.
Especially with Mercury—the planet of communication—also being Retrograde, we can expect travel delays and difficulties of all sorts around this time, as Mars is the planet of movement, and Mercury is Retrograde in Sagittarius, the ruling sign of travel.
As Mars starts to pick up its Retrograde motion, we will feel compelled to tackle our to-do lists! You will feel a desire to tackle projects that you had put on the back burner. With Mars being in Leo, it’s a good idea to work on any career-advancing projects—especially ones that have your name on them publicly.
With the Retrograde Mars and Mercury trining one another in the fire signs of Leo and Sagittarius, respectively, we will feel a strong desire to reconnect with old friends and romantic flames. It’s a great time to reconnect now, as we are feeling a lot of warm and fuzzy energy coming off of the Sagittarius New Moon.
The best way to re-connect with someone from the past at this time will be to make the conversation light and funny, as Leo and Sagittarius are the two most fun signs in the Zodiac!
While Mars is Retrograde, we should in general expect things to happen more slowly. Mechanical and travel issues will be commonplace. The world may not always work at the lightning-fast speed that we are used to it working in the modern day—and that’s OK, as it is a wonderful reminder for us to slow down and be patient.
Mars will Retrograde back deep into Cancer, before it turns back Direct on February 23.
We are in the final Mercury Retrograde period of 2024.
Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius encourages us to get back in touch with the types of sensual pleasures that we have enjoyed in the past—including music, art and fashion. It’s time to throw on the CDs or records that you used to enjoy—and to dig through your wardrobe to fall back in love with your fashion statements of old. Mars Retrograde in Leo also encourages us to re-find old treasures from our wardrobe—or even to go back to an old hairstyle you used to enjoy rocking.
It’s also a great time to reach out to friends from the past—and even old romantic flames—as Sagittarius is a flirtatious, romantic sign.
As Sagittarius rules over travel, it’s a great time to review old travel photos and reminisce. You may receive inspirations now as to where you’d like to travel to next—but just make sure it’s realistic and you are not being too overly optimistic about your finances, or trying to pack too many things into a short period of time.
By the way, if you were born under a Mercury Retrograde, it's not going to affect you as strongly--and in fact you might even feel more ‘at home’ during this time.
Here is some general advice for navigating a Mercury Retrograde period:
Make sure that all the 'I's are dotted' and 'all the T's are crossed' when signing any contracts or making agreements. Consider Murphy's Law during Mercury Retrograde: what can go wrong, will go wrong. Consider holding off on signing contracts or making agreements until the new year, if it's something that isn't time-sensitive.
Be extra clear in your communication with others. Give others more leeway than usual. Inquire to clarify what someone means by something if you're unsure, especially if it's via text message or e-mail.
Avoid purchasing big-ticket items (e.g. a new car) until the new year, if possible
Back up all of your computer files and your smartphone!
Triple-check travel plans and appointment times. Verify times with others.
Release expectations of others, especially when it comes to people responding in a timely fashion. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Expectations of others may go unfulfilled.
As always, use Mercury Retrograde as a time to refine your communication--rather than to be afraid of miscommunications, or electronics breaking down, or travel plans getting interrupted.
This Mercury Retrograde phase officially concludes on December 15 when Mercury stations Direct—though in reality we will feel its effects through December 29. The most potent effects are felt in the seven days before and after the Station Phases—so November 18-December 2 and December 8-22.
Let’s now dig deeper into this Sagittarian idea of creating freedom in our own lives.
As the adventurous Archer, the sign of Sagittarius epitomizes freedom!
Whether we remember it or not, each and every one of us are eternal creator beings playing in this third-dimensional game for fun, experience and Divine Service! It is especially true for those of us that are Starseeds that we absolutely knew what we were getting ourselves into when we decided to come to Earth.
We knew that we would be entering into a dense third-dimensional world fraught with perils such as war, disease, toxins and institutionalized socioeconomic inequalities. We also knew that the time would come when we would have the opportunity to play a pivotal Divinely-Guided role in helping to end the disease, strife, environmental toxicity, racism and economic suppression of the masses that has become the norm in this modern day.
For some of you, that role manifests directly via your chosen career or in volunteer or philanthropic pursuits; however for the majority of Lightworkers our contribution manifests more indirectly through our energetic work.
As above; so below and as within, so without; so if we wish to see energetic and earnest freedom behold the human race, we must strive to experience and express that freedom within our own consciousnesses.
The Retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius opposed Jupiter in innovative Gemini on this New Moon, giving us a shot of inspiration to create the life we dream of.
Here are some questions of inquiry (and to journal on) to consider as you evaluate the role of freedom in your life:
In what ways have I been feeling stifled or stuck in life? Take into account all areas of your life: relationships; career; finances; health; and your inner world.
How could I allow for just a little bit more of a sense of freedom and spontaneity in my life, while still keeping a healthy structure that allows me to grow long term?
What parts of me feel old and need to go? Have I been playing an old character at times? What kind of things trigger me into playing that old character? What kind of people trigger me into playing that old character? Is there anything stopping me from letting these aspects go, and stepping into a new recreation of myself?
What gives me a feeling of fire and passion? How could I structure my life in a practical way to allow more time to pursue my passions?
Where is some place I have always wanted to travel to? Could I make that happen next year?
If I can't fully move around the chess pieces of my life to my exact liking right now, then could I be more spiritually mature and calm my nervous system more often—and teach it how to feel safe? What daily activities or rituals could help me in doing that?
One of the most important lessons that Sagittarius provides to the Zodiac is how to be unconventional and mix things up!
One of the themes that everyone experiences at one point or another is stagnation. When your energy stagnates, you're likely to experience bouts of depression and anxiety. If you feel like you've been stagnating lately—or even if you haven't—it's best to utilize the energy of Sagittarius to bring some adventure and variety into your life!
The Universe will often keep us in a situation where we feel stuck and stifled so that the frustration builds up so much that we finally take a leap of faith and make a big change in our lives. Undoubtedly, there will be choice points in your Life Plan where your Higher Self will nudge you to take a leap of faith. Courage usually pays off (and courage is a very Sagittarian trait!)
If it's not the time for you to make a big change, then you can shake things up in smaller ways. Perhaps you can plan a game night with your family; go for a hike in a place you haven't been before; plant flowers or trees; start writing a book; start a new workout routine; learn tai chi or yoga; make art; learn an instrument; go to an art gallery; go experience a new cafe; change up the furniture in your house; design an app; or start a YouTube channel!
It doesn't always take a huge change in your life to shake off that sense of stagnation. Actually, that is more often the exception rather than the rule. For most of us, the best way to integrate the Sagittarian energy into our lives is to add spontaneity in little ways.
Life is meant to be an adventure, although it's easy to forget that on this planet, where life can often be difficult, obstacle-laden, sad, dangerous and scary. But it’s definitely something that we are not supposed to leave behind completely, no matter what—and no matter what age. It’s important to find the fun in being a human as much as you possibly can with whatever situation you find yourself in.
Yes, life is painful at times, but the more we can remember that life is an adventure, the more we are going to enjoy the little things in life. And furthermore, when we view life as an adventure, we are then able to let go of holding onto needing any particular outcome to manifest, because we know that no matter what happens, the adventure will continue.
When you are able to let go of needing any one particular outcome to manifest, you place yourself in perfect alignment to draw your dreams to you.
Wishing you a happy 12:12 portal, and a happy, fun, and adventurous belated New Moon in Sagittarius!
With Love,
Matthew John