Happy SuperMoon in Aquarius! This Super Full Moon at approximately 27 degrees of Aquarius became exact yesterday, on Monday, August 19, 2024, at 2:26 PM New York Time (18:26 GMT).
As a reminder, a Super Full Moon (or SuperMoon for short) occurs when the moon is physically closer to the Earth than usual, thus amplifying its effects.
Aquarius is a fixed air sign that is associated with equality, group consciousness, technology and the Higher Mind. It is represented symbolically by the Water Bearer—a healer that pours healing waters onto the land to reach everyone and everything. It is an optimistic sign that reminds us of our highest potential—especially in groups, and as one collective human race.
We are reminded that even when it seems like we are all alone, we really aren't, because we are all spiritual beings having a human experience--and we are inseparable from the collective consciousness of our human race on this planet.
Aquarius is the ruler of the 11th House: the House of Friends. This house rules over how we relate to groups--and includes the themes of friendship, collective mindsets, social circles and colleagues.
With the sun in its home sign of Leo, the masculine, fixed fire sign of Leo causes us to want to naturally step into our most charismatic, beautiful and talented selves—the best version of the ego-self that we can present to the world.
With Mars and Jupiter still conjunct in chatty Gemini, we are feeling the call to get out there, express ourselves, and meet new people! However, with this conjunction, we can feel overextended or discombobulated, if we are focusing on, or trying to get too many things done at once.
The opposition between the sun and moon creates the opportunity to explore the balance between self and other, as well as between self and the group. Leo the Lion personifies the need of the self to express through the creation of an ego.
Ego is not at its core a bad thing; rather, it is the vehicle for which the soul gets to experience an earthly personality. That energy is opposed by the moon in Aquarius, which is showing us how we can experience being a part of a group and a collective.
This Full Moon gives us the opportunity to find our true ‘Soul Tribe’, especially with Mars and Jupiter conjunct in chatty, networking-oriented Gemini. For many of us, our family of origin is our family of origin, but those that feel most like our ‘Soul Tribe’ are friends and loved ones that we meet later in life.
The energy of this Full Moon supports those ‘true Soul Tribe’ souls in finding one another here in the 3D, over the next 28 days.
While Mars and Jupiter are still together in Gemini over the next few weeks, it’s a great time to put yourself out there in all ways to meet others—both in-person and online.
The Retrograde Mercury is super amplified on this Full Moon, as it conjuncts the sun in Leo and opposes the moon in Aquarius. Now and over the next two weeks, while Mercury is either Retrograde or in its Post-Retrograde Shadow, it’s perhaps the best time of the year to reconvene and reconnect with friends, family and acquaintances from our past—and to have both fun and honest conversations.
Although this Full Moon is presenting a difficult energy for long-term romantic and family relationships, it also is offering a wonderful opportunity to ‘work things out’ and experience resolution with people from our past.
So, don’t be shy about reaching out—over the next two weeks, especially—to those connections from your past that you’d like to reconnect with.
The Aquarian energy requires teamwork to really thrive. We are all individuals on individual healing journeys, but we are also one collective on a collective Ascension journey. It is not possible to separate yourself from the whole.
How are you contributing to the healing of the planet and of the human race on a daily basis? The more you are contributing, then naturally the more whole you are going to feel, because you will be fulfilling the exact mission you came here to realize.
Do you make time on a daily basis to do something nice for someone else, or to say something nice to a fellow human? Do you make it a habit to wish people around you blessings of healing or happiness? Are you a good listener? Are you willing to hear others' perspectives? Do you donate money or time to help those in need, at least once in awhile?
Unlike Leo, where the inflated ego is celebrated, Aquarius encourages the deflation of egos so that the many can merge into the one. This is the energetic trajectory of our planet, as we are in the planetary Age of Aquarius.
This Full Moon comes with a pair of troublesome T-Squares, making it the most volatile Full Moon in recent memory.
We have a nearly exact T-Square between the moon (in Aquarius), Uranus (in Taurus), and a conjunction between the sun and the Retrograde Mercury in Leo. This is a Uranus-heavy T-Square, as Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius. Aquarius is the planet of freedom and revolution.
There is an extreme revolutionary and freedom-seeking energy to this Full Moon. We are feeling tense, and feeling as if we must break free in order to find resolution to this tension. We can expect the unexpected on the World Stage over the next 28 days—and especially over the next two weeks. It is a violent, volatile energy.
If I had to guess, I would anticipate the powder keg that is the Middle East right now exploding with some sort of new major offensive some time over the next two to three weeks. I think it’s also possible that we see some sort of new offensive unfold somewhere other than the Middle East over the next few weeks.
With Uranus being so active in this nasty T-Square, we should expect the unexpected. Accidents and unexpected, uncomfortable news could arise. It’s a Tower card energy, in the tarot. Hope for the best, but don’t be surprised if stuff comes up.
In our personal lives, we need to be asking ourselves where and how we feel stuck. It’s OK (it’s naturally, really) to get frustrated around this time about where and how we feel stuck. However, the higher intention of T-Squares is really to force change through tension. So, the stuckness is meant to recraft and redirect us.
Allow the tension of this Full Moon to motivate you to step into the next stage of your journey, whatever that may be.
Here are some important questions to meditate or journal on around this Super Full Moon:
What is that one big obstacle that seems to continually be an issue for me, that if I was able to bust through, it would make all the difference in my life?
What is that one thing that I’ve been avoiding doing—due to fear—that if I did, it would make a huge difference in helping me to bust through this obstacle?
Which obligations or relationships in my life life are keeping me stuck? Which ones am I ready to let go of now?
If I had to guess, what virtues are my soul trying to get me to learn through me the experience of being stuck in these ways?
If I had to guess, who is my soul trying to craft me into, through the experience of these difficulties?
What are three action-steps I can take over the next few weeks that will help me move forward into becoming the person my soul is trying to get me to be?
The other brutal T-Square is between the Retrograde Saturn (in Pisces), the Mars/Jupiter conjunction (in Gemini), and Venus (in Virgo). This particular T-Square is causing extreme tension in relationships—especially romantic ones.
For those in romantic relationships, this can serve as a make-or-break type energy. The Retrograde Saturn is going to inject negative karma, that still needs to be resolved, into the experience of the relationship. Expect an abundance of arguments to occur in those romantic relationships that are already on shaky grounds, over the next few weeks.
If the two parties are not able to adequately and maturely work through whatever karmic themes come up, it could spell doom for the relationship (but ultimately, if this occurred, it would be an execution of something already pre-written into the Soul Contract).
With Venus opposing Saturn, those that are in romantic relationships will also be seeking stability and commitment. For those relationships that are meant to strengthen through this treacherous astrological period (and the difficult Eclipse Season that ensues in September), a more committed energy will emerge through the relationship, thanks to this Saturn-Venus opposition.
With Mars and Jupiter conjunct in noncommittal Gemini forming the crux of this T-Square, this is also a potential cheating energy. Cheating (or revelations of cheating) could come up in some relationships sometime over the next few weeks. For some relationships, this Gemini cheating energy could serve as the catalyst for either the relationship to reach the breakup stage of the Soul Contract—or for the relationship to enter into a healing stage through revelations of truth.
The concept of the Soul Contract is key at this time. Just as every major event in our life is pre-planned by the soul, as are all of our major relationships. Some Soul Contracts have more variance than others—but for the most part, when a relationship has been pre-planned by the souls involved to reach its conclusion, it will, no matter what.
Every Soul Contract is unique, and every relationship is unique. For those of your that are in a relationship that has a solid foundation, the good news is that this rocky astrological time will ultimately serve to strengthen those foundations.
Family relationships will also be subject to these difficult energies. You may find particular difficulties arising in those family relationships that have caused you the most consternation over the years.
Pretty much all family relationships have karmic roots—meaning the souls knew each other (playing family roles with one another) in other lifetimes. Whatever the main themes of the relationships that played out in other lifetimes were, they carry over into this life.
In some family and romantic relationships, there may be a tendency to feel ‘smothered’ by the other person—whether from their demands or their anxieties. This is a product of Saturn’s heavy influence in this T-Square, as its opposition it could be said to be attempting to ‘cover’ Venus’s normally light and free energy.
Whatever tends to upset you about the other person in any sort of relationship is likely to come up repeatedly over the next few weeks. If someone is constantly bothering you in a similar way, sometimes the lesson is in standing up for yourself--while other times, the lesson is in being more tolerant.
The Saturn-Mars-Jupiter-Venus T-Square is also potentially precarious for finances. Financial losses are possible with this energy. It’s important to avoid allowing yourself to be scammed, or making risky investments that could fall flat.
The Retrograde Chiron in assertive Aries is sextiling the moon, and trining the sun-Mercury Retrograde conjunction on this Full Moon. Chiron represents the part of self that contains the potential to actualize as a healer/teacher in Divine Service to Earth. Ultimately, for us Lightworkers that are ready for the call (I think of the Judgement card in the tarot), the tense T-Squares are designed to push us deeper than ever before into embodying our Divine Service work—illustrated by the benevolent Chiron aspects.
The sextile between the exalted Retrograde Neptune (in the final degree of its home sign of Pisces) and the exalted Retrograde Pluto (in the first degree of Aquarius) is setting the stage for spiritual awakenings to occur en masse around this time. For those Lightworkers that are ready to download healing and psychic skills and techniques, this energy is very supportive of that happening now and over the next few weeks.
The Aquarian energies are intending to really bring us into communion with our Service Work. Service Work, as I would define it, is a broad term that covers all of the positive work you are meant to do on this planet; all the people, animals, and environments you are meant to help; and the positive legacy that you are meant to leave behind when some day you graduate from this realm. It is your unique physical and vibratory contribution to the healing and Ascension of the collective consciousness of humanity.
It can be helpful to define your Service Work in a single sentence. For me, my Service Work is to assist in the freeing and Ascension of humanity by working 'directly on the ground' with Lightworkers from around the world at all stages of their journey: to help them heal their wounds; understand their purpose and plan; learn spiritual tools and skills; and to create their Highest Destiny—and to step into their Divinely-guided Service Work.
How would you define your Service Work? Here are some questions to get you thinking:
- Who or what do I feel most called to help? (e.g. alcoholics, the elderly, children, animals, nature)
- I feel most fulfilled when I ___(Service Work)____.
- Which skills or talents do people most often ask for me to help them with?
- What do I feel like my mission is here on Earth? Why do I feel like I came to this planet?
- If I had no fear, how would I choose to earn my living (or how would I choose to live--it doesn't have to be a career or job)?
- What type of legacy do I want to leave behind? What is the one thing that I have to help heal or improve (for other people, animals, plants, nature, the planet or society) before I leave the planet?
Go ahead and write down your Service Mission and keep it somewhere special. When you step more fully into your Service Work, you will naturally begin to unravel any of the shadow aspects of Aquarius, like self-sabotage, which we will discuss in a future section.
Let's talk about harnessing this powerful Aquarian energy to precipitate changes on the collective level. With Uranus--the planet of freedom and revolution—being front-and-center in this Full Moon chart in several ways—as the ruler of Aquarius, as the crux of the nearly-exact T-Square, and also a part of a Minor Grand Trine with the Retrograde Neptune and the Retrograde Pluto, we are strongly feeling the desire to create a better world for all!
Aquarius is forward-thinking, progressive, and demands equality. The vast income disparity between the haves and have-nots on our planet is something that just won't be able to last too much longer during this planetary Age of Aquarius. The Aquarian pressure--energetically speaking--will simply become too great, and fundamental change will have to occur one way or another. This differs dramatically from the dualistic, all-or-nothing shadow energy of the Age of Pisces, which we are in the process of graduating from.
It might look like a pretty impossible task to shift this planet from its current economic system to something that will be able to support the proper nutrition, medical care and spiritual health of all human beings, but this is not something that is meant to happen overnight.
Although Pluto being in Aquarius does represent the runway up to the Age of Aquarius, so to speak, the true planetary Age of Aquarius—when the rising sun aligns within the boundaries of the constellation of Aquarius on the Northern Hemisphere vernal equinox—begins around 2043. So we shouldn’t expect this transition into the Age of Aquarius to happen overnight; in fact, things might overall look worse before they start looking better.
During and following this Aquarian Full Moon, us conscious Lightworkers (as well as many in the general public) will be feeling a palpable sense of wanting to move forward as a collective into something new and better.
We need to have patience and faith, while doing what we can do to shift the collective consciousness. For most of us, the most effective possible thing that we can do to help shift the collective consciousness is to shift the consciousness within our own vessels.
You do not have enough power to shift the entire collective consciousness and the trajectory of the planet with your will, but you DO have the power to shift the entirety of your individual consciousness with your willpower.
One of the laws of the Universe is that whatever you have the power to affect is whatever you are meant to have the power to affect. When you try to shift something that you don't have the power to shift, you end up feeling disempowered and victimized, which puts you right back down into that lower vibration where the powers that be don't mind you being.
When you take control of what you can control and nothing more, you move into that high vibration of empowerment and self-responsibility (which by the way also alleviates self-sabotage, which I will discuss at length in the next section), and you become an energetic broadcaster for that high vibration.
Like the 100th Monkey Syndrome, that vibration of empowerment spreads like wildfire and begins to have an exponentially larger impact on the collective consciousness itself. As the collective consciousness shifts into higher and higher vibrations, it moves to higher and higher timelines where the control structures that are based on fear, trickery, and abuse can no longer vibrationally stand.
It's crucial to remain optimistic about things, both in regards to your individual journey and the collective journey. If one thing's for sure it's that pessimism will not increase your chances of living the type of life you want to live, individually or collectively. We really need to have that wide-eyed, childlike naivete of 'everything is possible', because in reality, it is!
You probably know by now that we live in an infinite multiverse, in a holographic projection, and that nothing is as totally concrete and as real as it might seem on the surface. You know that miracles happen—you might have already experienced a few in your life. Use this SuperMoon time to re-align with that energy of believing in, embracing, and even expecting the miraculous.
Find ways to recognize the little miracles in your day-to-day life. Every synchronicity is a miracle. Every loving embrace, every ray of sunshine, and every laugh is a miracle. Be the one that recognizes the little miracles every single day, while the other 99% of people stay in limbo, waiting to be liberated by their own mind. The choice is yours.
In order to move into your higher vibration, you must overcome one of the shadow aspects of the Aquarian energy, which is self-sabotage.
The theme of overcoming self-sabotage is something that has been coming up for a lot of Lightworkers recently-- and it will continue to over the next 27 days. This is because we are in the process of 'clearing house' of those patterns which are no longer supporting us in stepping fully into our individualized Divinely-designed Service roles.
What I have discovered about self-sabotage is this: the self-saboteur within is only active and with you to provide you a gateway into seeing your own Shadow.
The Shadow is the aggregate of the unprocessed wounds within, whether from this lifetime or others. When you become aware of that part of you which has often sabotaged good things from manifesting through lower-vibration choices, fear, or avoidance, you then have the power to transcend that pattern.
Of course, on another level, there are no such thing as bad choices—and also on another level, fear is there to protect you—and every choice made out of self-sabotage was only made to help you advance spiritually (whether you intended for that to be the case or not), BUT once you become aware of these patterns, there is no longer any need to carry them forward.
It's as if you have discovered that you have been carrying a brick attached to your back and once you recognize that, you can put the brick down and go about your life feeling lighter and like things can come more easily and with less struggle.
Remember, you always have Free Will in every moment. It's just that the types of internal and external reactions that you have become accustomed to over and over and over again (which you ultimately inherited from those who raised you) keep you stuck in a feedback loop that is called a program.
If you have a history of self-sabotaging yourself, that is part of your program. To stop the self-sabotage, you simply need to step OUT of the program and IN to a new program-- and that's something that ideally needs to be practiced over and over.
Think to yourself, what would the HIGHER-dimensional aspect of me choose/think/say in this moment/situation? What type of words/choices/thoughts would likely lead me to transcend my karma? Which words/choices/thoughts would likely keep me stuck in the same karmic loop?
It's time to get all parts of you on board with your forward momentum. If there's any parts of you that feel stuck in the past, stuck in a lower-vibrational timeline, or just STUCK in general, ask those parts of you what they need from you? How can you Serve them? What these parts are really looking for is safety.
It can be scary to parts of you that have been scarred and injured by the past to move forward into a new project, new relationship, new location, new career, higher income, new hobby, etc. The more you can make these parts of you feel safe, like a loving parent would for an anxious child, the easier it is for you to get fully integrated and feel more 'together' than ever before.
The self-saboteur also tends to show up when someone has an inclination to be less than forgiving with themselves. This lack of forgiveness toward oneself really hurts and injures the Inner Child, who already has been hurt by that parental figure who was less than forgiving with them or with the other parental figure (or with his or her self, as we can literally feel the vibrations of those who raised us when we are very young).
The Shadow's job is to show itself in inconvenient ways in order to get you to recognize where the Inner Child has been hurt. If you are very harsh on yourself, you will tend to self-sabotage yourself as well.
So, learning to also be more forgiving with yourself is another important aspect of transcending self-sabotage. When you gift yourself with the freedom to make as many mistakes as you need to, and love yourself just the same, the self-saboteur within will evaporate and never need to return.
The sun enters Virgo on Thursday, August 22, initiating the final third of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
Virgo is an earth sign that is represented by The Maiden. It is associated with Persephone in Greek mythology. Virgo is very much associated with the wheat crop, as the ancients thought that Virgo—the second-largest constellation in the sky—appeared to be a woman with wings carrying a sheaf of wheat.
The final third of summer (Virgo season) has historically been the time when the most crops are reaped. In order to reap crops, it requires discipline, planning, and pragmatism. These are three qualities that the sign of Virgo models for the rest of the Zodiac.
Virgo means virgin in Latin. The sign of Virgo is also associated with purity and self-sufficiency. The Virgo glyph is an 'M' with a tail that turns inward, representative of Virgo's ability to introspect and discern. It also may traditionally represent sexual shyness, as Scorpio, the most outwardly sexual of signs, has a glyph that is an 'M' with a tail that is an outward-pointing arrow, representing a phallus.
Virgo is a mutable sign in Western astrology, because it comes at the end of a season. In many parts of the Northern United States, Canada, and Europe, the deciduous leaves change colors (or at least start to) during Virgo season.
Virgo is the ruler of the 6th House—the House of Health. This house is the realm of health, daily routines, and repetitive tasks (including those that are involved in work/career).
During Virgo season, it’s a great time to clean and organize our living spaces, to recommit to supportive daily rituals that improve our lives--and to readdress any health concerns, or to recommit to improving our physical health in all ways.
Wishing you a Blessed and expansive SuperMoon in Aquarius, and a happy Virgo Season.
With Love,
Matthew John