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Updated: Nov 22, 2023

Happy New Moon in Scorpio! This New Moon became exact at 4:27 AM New York Time (09:27 GMT) today, on Monday, November 13, 2023. This New Moon marks the end of Eclipse Season.

During the past six weeks, codes have been being downloaded into the Earth Grid—and into our individual energy fields—that will serve to direct us forward onto the Highest Path, as intended by our individual souls, over the next five months and beyond.

The sign of Scorpio holds a special place in my Heart. As someone with a Scorpio sun and a predominantly Scorpio chart, it is my favorite sign. I love the depth, the passion, and the life-or-death feeling of intensity that Scorpio represents.

Scorpio is the shaman's sign; it is the negotiation between the darkest darks and the brightest lights. It is an oscillation between hell and Heaven. This of course has tremendous spiritual value, as every time you plunge into the depths of pain and suffering, you bring back with you invaluable wisdom for the journey ahead.

I didn't come into this position as a healer and a spiritual teacher just by reading some books; it's been this hell-to-Heaven and back again shaman's journey for me, which still continues.

Scorpio is the sign of death and transformation (picture the Death card in the tarot). If you live in a cold part of the world, you can look outside now and see the dead leaves on the ground as winter approaches. Of course, the trees are only lightening their load in order to prepare for the upcoming deep freeze, while giving space for brand new growth to emerge the following spring. Thus is Scorpio: it's all about letting go of what is dying or dead, in order to allow for new growth to occur.

Scorpio is the fixed water sign, the eighth sign of the Zodiac, and the ruler of the Eighth House—the House of Sex. This house rules over sex, taboos, death, taxes, and wills/legacies. It is ruled by Pluto, the planet of death, destruction and transformation. As a fixed sign, it is stubborn and loyal. As a water sign, it is deeply emotional.

Scorpio suns (like myself) are known for having an air of mystery and intrigue about them (this can also apply to Scorpio Risings). Scorpio suns, moons, and Risings are generally naturally psychic and intuitive. If you are close with any Scorpio suns in your life, you probably already know that they don’t let many people get very close to them. Scorpios can often be secretive, and sometimes even paranoid about letting others know too much about them.

Scorpio is of course associated with the scorpion. Its glyph is an ‘M’ with the tail pointed outward, like a scorpion’s stinger. The ‘M’s tail is also a phallic symbol. Scorpio rules over the genitals and sex in general--but especially the aspects of sex that have to do with power exchanges, taboos, and deeply-rooted psychological aspects (aka Freudian psychology). Scorpio suns, Risings, Venuses, and Mars’s tend to be very sexual people.

As the most deeply emotional of all the Zodiac signs, Scorpio invites us to really honor the depth of all our emotions--especially the uncomfortable ones, like rage, fear, and grief. It asks for us to acknowledge the presence of shame and guilt within. It encourages us to honor the depth of the 'man' part of the HU-man—as in the physical, emotional, dense self.

Many have been having this feeling during this most recent Scorpio season that there's something deeper that has yet to be fully explored--like there's a totally new level of rawness beneath the surface that has yet to come up. Scorpio, being the sign of death, rebirth, and transformation, is bringing this up.

Not only have we been in Scorpio season, but the most recent Lunar Eclipse in Taurus brought a lot of Scorpio energy with it. Due to this newest lunation, you could find yourself going through intense emotions, like fear, anger, jealousy, grief or loneliness in the days and weeks around and following the New Moon.

The depth and intensity of the Scorpio energy scares many away, because it can be very uncomfortable. However, for those brave enough to explore the depths of one's own consciousness and emotional body, the reward is karmic transmutation, which is one of the very reasons you came to this planet and one of the most important facets of the Ascension journey.

This is a particularly intense New Moon, as we have the sun moon and Mars all in Scorpio opposing the Retrograde Uranus in Taurus. Let’s explore this.


This is one of the most intense aspects of the year. This water New Moon is activated with fire by Mars’s presence. These planets oppose Uranus, the planet of freedom, revolution, innovation, surprises, and accidents. This is a ferocious aspect that can manifest in many ways. In its higher possibility, this gives us the opportunity to move forward, with intense passion, on the things that mean the most for us. But, it will also make you get super honest with yourself.

During this time, you won’t be able to help but to be totally honest with yourself about what really matters. If the job/career you’re in is draining you, it’s really going to weigh on you at this time. If the romantic relationship you’re in just isn’t working anymore, you’re going to feel that intensely now. If the living situation you’re in is not tenable, you will feel an intense call to move away from it at this time.

Honesty with the self is key at this time. You should be feeling free to be you.

Here are some journaling prompts to help you get really honest with yourself during this important time:

  • What is working for me right now? Which parts of my life feel like they are flowing in harmony right now?

  • What isn’t working for me right now? Which parts of my life feel like I am constantly frustrated, or hitting a wall?

  • Which real desires of mine am I regularly experiencing?

  • Which real desires of mine am I denying or avoiding?

  • For the desires of mine that I am denying or avoiding, is there fear there?

  • What fears of mine still linger?

  • If there was one fear that I could bust through now that I know would allow me to really take a leap forward, what would that be?

  • Are the people that I spend the most time with encouraging my evolution, or dragging it down? Are there changes that I need to make in my relationships? Are there difficult conversations I might need to have with others?

  • Is my living environment giving me life, or weighing me down? Are there changes that I need to make in my living situation?

  • Which emotions or traumas within me do I habitually push down? What are some practices or healing modalities that could assist me in alchemizing or processing these?

On a lower energetic band, people may get violent around this time. On a world scale, this may translate to further escalation of war (but let’s hope and pray for the opposite). It’s a revolutionary energy; groups of people (and governments/militaries) are more likely than not to dig in their heels at this time.

We are already in a violent and volatile time astrologically, with the North Node being in Mars-ruled Aries-- and Neptune in its own sign of Pisces, a placement that historically has increased hypernationalism and fanaticism.

Mercury in Sagittarius is squaring Black Moon Lilith in Virgo, making people apt to speak up and out about what matters to them (and this applies to groups, cultures and states, too). For those of us seeking to keep the peace in our own lives (and to send that energy out to the world), it’s important to listen to others’ perspectives at this time—to consider both sides. Mercury’s sextile to Venus in Libra is supporting this appreciating and weighing of both sides/different angles.

This is, astrologically, the most sexual time of the year. Scorpio is the main sign that rules over sex. It is activated by Mars—the other planet besides Pluto that rules over sex. People are feeling carnal.

Sex is our nature. We are made from sex. All nature is made from sex. The desire to procreate drives us to succeed and actualize. This Scorpio season is about embracing sex as the sacred essence of life.

This is a time to look within and examine whatever blocks, traumas, or reservations you have around sex. Psychotherapy, hypnosis, and some energy healing techniques can be helpful in healing sexual blocks.

With Mercury in Sagittarius sextiling Venus in Libra, people are feeling adventurous. It’s a great time to meet someone new, or to go on dates. For couples, it is a great time to have fun dates—especially those where you and your partner get to experience something novel or adventurous, or something you haven’t done in awhile!

Mars in Scorpio trining Neptune in Pisces is also creating an energy supporting exploring sexual fantasies; it can be a steamy, passionate and healing time for couples.

With this very active sexual energy in the air, it’s also a good reminder that your sexual energy is yours to use as you desire (as long as you’re not hurting others), but it is your life force energy. Any time you release it, or exchange it with another, you are giving your energy out. Is the person you’re exchanging it with uplifting your energy or siphoning it? Or is it a neutral exchange?


Saturn stationed Direct in Pisces on November 3; it is now accelerating every day, as it gets closer to reattaining full speed. As it is moving slowly, it is exalted, meaning it carries a greater influence than usual.

Saturn has been in Pisces since March, and will remain there through August 2025. In many signs and aspects Saturn comes off as dense, regimented and structured, but in Pisces—the ruler of the 12th House—Saturn influences the astral, the spiritual, and creative endeavors.

Saturn in Pisces has been creating spiritual awakening on a massive scale throughout Planet Earth. Often it is outside events in the world that end up causing someone to question their own belief systems—and this questioning of one’s belief systems is what often precipitates a spiritual awakening.

We have certainly had our fair share of traumatic and difficult events going on in the outside world over the past few years. Many, many people have been having their first Awakening experiences recently—and many more will as Saturn re-traverses Pisces.

Now that Saturn has gone Direct, it may seem like some of the karmic ‘battles’ that you’ve been having to fight—especially those that manifest as blocks to your creativity or intuition—or as delusions or spiritual problems—are finally relieved, and you have space, energetically, to move forward as you please.

Over the next few weeks, due to Saturn’s exaltation in Pisces, it would be wise to pay attention to your dreams—as important insights may come through the dream realm at this time.


Happy Diwali! This New Moon is also Diwali, the Hindu New Year and Festival of Lights. It’s a five-day celebration across the Hindu world that includes lots of good food, family, fun, fireworks, and making designs with colored sands. There are pujas (rituals/offerings) each day to honor the gods and goddesses. The Lakshmi Puja, on Day 3, is the biggest and wildest celebration.

Wishing you a fun, enjoyable and transformative New Moon in Scorpio, and a Happy Diwali!

With Love,

Matthew John

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