Happy New Moon in Sagittarius! The New Moon becomes exact at 2:20 AM EST (7:20 GMT) on Friday, December 7.
New moons are all about fresh starts and new beginnings, and Sagittarius LOVES newness. To Sag, the routine and played-out is boring and not spiritually supportive. Sagittarius thrives off of spontaneity, creativity, and freedom.
So, this is an especially auspicious time for creative endeavors. New projects that are a little bit 'outside of the box' are likely to thrive now. Anything that breaks you away from routine or from the mundane will likely bring you satisfaction during this time.
Is your creative fire burning lately? If not, it's time to re-light it! Fiery Sag uses the creative potential to create and explore new experiences. You are a co-creator! If you're not creating consciously, then what are you allowing to be created for you?
It's not just with our hands with which we create; we also create with the words we speak and the beliefs we choose. And if you're not choosing certain beliefs, which beliefs are being chosen for you? All of life is a canvas with which you don't necessarily get to choose the brushes or the paint, but you do get to choose what you do with it.
The fiery, almost mischievous character of Sagittarius will ensure that whatever masks you are still wearing to hide deeper, more authentic parts of you will be brought into your awareness. It's almost like a child who unknowingly pushes on a parent's most sensitive buttons simply by being an innocent, unbounded child.
Where are you still wearing masks that don't feel like the real YOU anymore? With what people do you not feel comfortable being yourself? With which people DO you feel comfortable bringing out the truer YOU? This is a surefire indication of who is in your best interest (and who ISN'T) to spend more time with in the weeks following this New Moon and into 2019.
Where do you still feel like you need to almost apologize for being a newer version of yourself? This can indicate that either you're still playing out some passive-aggressive pattern of victimization (outwardly or in your head) OR that you're just in a situation that no longer serves you. Which one is it?
Lightworkers and Starseeds, now is the time to lift off the mask and Be the Light! If you feel like your current romantic partnership, career, or living situation is stifling you from being YOU, you have two options: start being more truly YOU and see what happens; or move on into a more liberating situation.
As Lightworkers, we are being called from those Beings On High to come more and more into our Light. The time for hiding is over. We must continue to become louder, prouder, and more confident in embracing, embodying, and tactfully teaching the Light. As each year progresses on this linear Ascension timeline, we as the Lightworkers gain even more strength and resolution.
It's not about looking to the outside world and looking for things to change; if you do that, you will only find yourself getting frustrated or feeling victimized. It's about healing, transforming, and co-creating YOUR best life from YOUR Highest integrity, and being willing to help others to heal and grow—when you can without being drained. We are here to serve as forerunners of the Golden Age; we must lead by example, embracing a future that we can already feel, rather than looking to the past for guidance—a past which is quickly becoming obsolete.
Jupiter recently transited into its own sign of Sagittarius, where it will remain for most of 2019. When Jupiter is in Sag, it is a time of growth, opportunity, exploration, and outward expansion. While the overarching theme for this '11 portal' year of 2018 has been deep self-exploration, self-healing, and self-alchemy; the overall motif of 2019—which is a '12' or '3' year—is expansion, creation, and collaboration with others.
We are preparing now, and for the rest of 2018, to enter this expansive year of 2019. Next year will be the year to really move forward with everything! If you are feeling called to travel or even relocate, 2019 is perfectly energetically aligned to support this. It's almost as if you had to endure what you had to endure and learn through in 2018 in order to finally manifest in 2019 the dreams you started planning in 2017
Please remember that you don't ever have to make any changes in your life unless you truly WANT to. We live in a free-will Universe and you always get to choose. The more you know that you are totally free to choose in any moment, the more likely it is that your choices will more closely line up with your Highest Integrity and your Soul's Mission.
Wishing you my Love and Blessings on this New Moon.
Matthew John <3