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Updated: Dec 22, 2023

We have been immersed in a super-powerful energetic gateway in the days leading up to this Solstice, since the 12/12 New Moon and energetic gateway. It's been the final grand energetic portal of this momentous year of 2023, as our bodies and spirits are being further refined in preparation for the dawning of the sacred year of 2024.

Many of you have been feeling all sorts of energetic activations and upgrades going on during this powerful portal. We even had the largest solar flare since 2017 occur on December 14 (solar flares seem to contain light codes that contribute to activating individual and planetary Ascension processes).

I am going to focus this section on the significance of the Winter Solstice/Yule, since most of my readers are in the Northern Hemisphere.

The Winter Solstice becomes exact tomorrow, on Thursday, December 21, at 10:27 PM New York time (3:27 GMT on December 22). The Winter Solstice also represents the beginning of Yule!

In the Pagan traditions, Yule is a festival celebrating the longest night of the year, and the return of the sun (as after the Solstice, the daylight gets just a little bit longer each day). So, the Winter Solstice is seen not as a time of darkness--but of rebirth! It is the return of the Sun King!

It's a good time to ask yourself how you can become reborn? How can you be reborn into a new version of yourself?

During Yule, it is a time to focus and meditate upon peace and love, and to reflect with gratitude upon the previous year. No matter which holiday(s) one celebrates—Yule, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, etc.--they are all holidays centered around celebrating peace, love, family, abundance and gratitude.

A great way to traditionally honor Yule is to light a Yule log! The Yule log originates from Celtic traditions; an oak tree would be felled, and the entire trunk would be brought into the home and put on the fire. It was believed that the longer the trunk burned, the faster the sun would return!

Nowadays, it is customary to simply take a small log, dress it up with seasonal decor (e.g. pine needles, red ribbons), and mount candles to the top of the log. If you’d like to make it into a magickal ceremony, you can pick the candles that represent what you’d like to call into your life (or into your home) for the coming year, and light them with visualization and intention (for example, you could use a green candle to represent money, or a light blue candle to represent peace).

If you’d like to learn all about how to do candle magick the right (and safe) way, make sure you enroll in my Ascending as OneSM VIP program for December so you get the 3-hour recording of Witchcraft & Magick 101! Your membership also gets you entry to our group Solstice/Yule ritual this Saturday, December 23--LIVE at 4 PM New York/1 PM Los Angeles/9 PM London! It is our Winter Solstice Group Activation + Sirian Channeling call. We will be lighting a Yule log, doing sound activation, and more! Your December membership also gets you a 20-minute 1:1 private reading with me before the end of the month! For all the details and to register, go here: or e-mail me at

It is also of course the official beginning of the winter season in the Northern Hemisphere. Wintertime is a time of hibernation for nature. The holidays are a time to remind ourselves that it’s important to take a ‘time out’ from the grind of trying to grow and succeed, and to just relax, rest, retreat, read, watch movies, connect with family, etc.

Christmas, which of course is really based on the ancient tradition of Yule, is a celebration. People tend to be more jolly and grateful around Christmastime, which is just how the Pagans have been celebrating Yule for thousands of years. The Solstice Time is a great time to be extra grateful for all of the blessings in your life and to place your thoughts on exactly how you want to see your 2024 go.

Who do you want to be in 2024? What do you want your life to look like in 2024? How do you want your 2024 to feel?

2024 is an 8 Universal Year in numerology, so it seems as if it will be a powerful and expansive year for the planet! I'll have a video with a full energetic and astrological preview of 2024 out soon, so make sure you’re subscribed to my YouTube channel:


Capricorn season arrives when the sun enters 0 degrees and 0 minutes of that sign on the Solstice (tomorrow, December 21, at 10:27 PM EST).

Capricorn is associated with the material world, the earth, structures, hard work, and legacies. It is the cardinal earth sign, as it initiates the season of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. It is ruled by stubborn, serious Saturn. Saturn is the builder, and it is also in charge of legacies and structures. It is also the planet of karma.

In Ancient Rome, a festival called Saturnalia would be held around the Winter Solstice time to honor Saturn. In Roman mythology, Saturn was said to be the God that ruled over an ‘agricultural Golden Age’. Saturnalia was a time of partying and gambling in Ancient Rome. Gag gifts were exchanged. However, it got kind of dark—as supposedly dead gladiators were offered as human sacrifices to Saturn. (It should be noted that Saturn rules over the Illuminati, and dark occult practices.)

As the sun switches from fiery, fun, and adventurous Sagittarius to more serious, reserved Capricorn on the Solstice, life can all of a sudden feel more serious and sullen. However, Capricorn’s direct, persistent and hard-working nature--after all, it is a cardinal sign--can give us a sense of feeling re-ignited and re-inspired to get stuff done.

Capricorn is certainly the most productive of signs—without its energy, no home or building would finish being constructed; books and movies would be left unfinished; and roads would abruptly end, leading to nowhere (think the 2006 satirical film Idiocracy). Capricorn’s energy has built the entire world.

So, especially if you’re someone that has struggled completing tasks, you can harness the energy of Capricorn season to re-address, get working, on, and actually finish tasks and projects on your to-do list—especially those that have been on the to-do list for awhile, or have been put on the back burner, with Mercury Retrograde right now (currently in Capricorn, but soon to re-enter Sagittarius).

Capricorn also has to do with anything that is practical, mundane, or repetitive--like your daily rituals. With the Capricorn energies emphasized, it is a great time to recommit yourself to supportive daily rituals.

Ask yourself what healthy and supportive rituals did I used to do, that really helped me? Pick a few of those and re-commit to implementing those into your routine daily.

Capricorn's glyph—or symbol—is that of a 'Sea Goat'--with the horns of the mountain goat and the tail of a fish. It is the ruler of the 10th House in astrology, which is the House of Ambition/Social Status. The Midheaven (or MC), which represents the highest point the sun reaches in our chart, sits at the beginning of this house. The 10th House rules over our career and how we act, show up, and are perceived in the outside world. This house shows us as we are when we are ‘fully illuminated’ and visible to the outside world.

It’s a good time to check in with yourself on where you are with your current career. Are you feeling totally satisfied with your experience of the 10th House? Or is it time for a change?

If you are confused, let me help you! I’ve been guiding people through career confusion and transitions for well over a decade. Sign up for my Ascending as OneSM VIP program to get a reading with me, as soon as next week! For all the details and to register, go here: or e-mail me at

Wishing you a Happy Solstice, a Blessed Yule, a Happy Capricorn Season, and Happy Holidays!

With Love,

Matthew John

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