Happy Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Cancer! The Full Moon becomes exact on Friday, January 10 at 2:21 p.m. in New York (19:21 GMT), which is pretty much the same time as the eclipse reaches its maximum point.
We have been in a portal between the most recent South Node Eclipse in Capricorn and this powerful North Node Eclipse in Cancer. During this portal, many shadows have been coming to light for people. People have been reporting all sorts of weird, intense emotions coming up. This month of January we are setting the stage not only for the rest of 2020, but really for the entire decade. This is how potent the energies are right now.
As this is a North Node eclipse, we are receiving downloads into our energetic templates—especially from three days before until three days after the eclipse—that will set the course for the next six months of our lives. If you haven't already set your intentions for 2020, then you have another powerful opportunity to set those intentions starting on January 12 (once this eclipse starts to pass).
While the energies of the recent Capricorn eclipse were infusing us with the codes that will help us release habits and obligations that are holding us back from becoming exactly who we need to be to turn into the powerful Service Workers we are meant to become, this Cancer eclipse is downloading to us the codes that will restructure our living environment.
We can look at what is happening right now in Australia as a metaphor for Cancer's theme of the transfiguration of our environment. Australia, home to hundreds of thousands (or more) unique species of animals, is burning uncontrollably. It is certainly a tragedy, but I have the faith that on a spiritual level, it is all meant to be exactly as it is, even with the involvement of Direct Energy Weapons. The burnt, devastated areas will soon grow new life and new biomes will prevail.
In your individual life, what in your environment needs to be metaphorically burned to the ground in order for something new to grow? Are you overwhelmed by clutter? Are you frustrated with the people you are living with? Do you live in a city that has become an electromagnetic soup and you're feeling constantly fatigued?
Just like an indoor plant needs the proper lighting, temperature and water to thrive, each human has a perfect environment that will encourage them to thrive. So although you may be getting along in your current environment, if it's not the ideal place for your soul, then you will experience recurring obstacles in the form of health issues, depression and general problems. You will find yourself stuck in a loop of frustration.
Here's some great journaling questions to figure out what type of environment is best going to serve the expansion evolution of your soul:
- Do I desire to ultimately live in one place or to live a more nomadic lifestyle?
- Do I want to travel a lot or do I desire to stay more in one place?
- Do I desire to live in a city, in nature, or where the two meet?
- What does my dream home look like? What does it feel like? Smell like?
- Who do I dream of living with? (It could be no one!)
- What types of opportunities for social interactions, recreation, business opportunities, or shopping opportunities would I ideally want to have around me?
You may not be ready to completely move from your current environment to your dream environment, but is it possible that there is a small step up available to you? Please note that this doesn't necessarily mean leaving your current home—it could mean changing something up, like switching bedrooms, remodeling your kitchen, or purchasing some indoor plants. It could mean adding a new member to your home, like a dog (but please make sure you're committed to them for life). Move some furniture around, or rig your house with Feng Shui principles. Or perhaps with so many reality-breaking planets in Capricorn (a stellium!) it means a partner, family member, or roommate leaving your home to live somewhere else.
However, if it feels like your soul is calling upon you to make a big change in your environment, then 2020 is a great time to take that leap. As this is a 4 year, we are being called to build the structure for the entire 2020s, both individually and collectively. In so many situations, this means tearing down the old structures first to rebuild (aka The Tower card in the tarot!) So if you are feeling the call, I would encourage you to gather up your resources and put together a plan that will move you from your current environment to a more supportive environment sometime this year, even if it is only a minor step in the right direction.
Cancer of course has to do with the family structure. Cancer wants us to create stable family units, and eventually, stable New Earth communities (that comes more in the 2030s). So many amazing Lightworkers out there are already in conscious unions and have already begun bringing in the star children that will create the New Earth in earnest. For those of you—like me—who haven't created a family just yet, now is the time to think about creating the perfect environment to house that stable family unit that Cancer strives for.
2020 can be a really magical year if you play your cards well. The fact that we have so much Capricorn influence (as I said, we have a stellium of five celestial bodies in Capricorn) means that it's crucial that you do not ignore your responsibilities nor logistical issues that are apart of your reality. This is not the type of energy—such as we had in 2019—where escaping into your spiritual practices or taking a lot of trips is going to help you evolve a lot. What is important this year is that we merge the 3D and 5D into a magical life that actually works for us on all levels, including financially.
SATURN-PLUTO CONJUNCTION: RETURN OF THE DANCING PLAGUE? We have a Saturn-Pluto conjunction at 22 degrees of Capricorn on January 12. When Saturn and Pluto join their celestial hands, they create the ultimate tower-buster. (It really is like drawing The Tower card in the tarot.) It creates the energy for structures to break down, both individually and collectively.
Not only do we have the Australia fires restructuring the environment, but we have a potential international crisis that has been brewing between the United States and Iran. It sure seems like the powers-that-be are intent on finding an excuse to take over Iran. We never know what is going to happen when Saturn and Pluto meet. The last time they met in Capricorn was in 1518. During that year we saw the very odd 'dancing plague', where thousands of people danced fervently for days on end in the streets of Strasbourg, many dying soon thereafter.
It's likely that we will be seeing more political and economic events going on in the world over the next week triggered by this Saturn-Pluto conjunction.
In your personal lives, a Saturn-Pluto conjunction could mean the end of something that has been with you for a long time, or the dawning of a brilliant new idea in your consciousness. So be on the lookout for inspiration, and make sure you don't dance for more than a few hours at a time.
I recommend taking it easy while the Eclipse itself is passing—walk in nature or take a nap if you can!
Wishing you an AMAZING next two weeks! HAPPY ECLIPSE! <3
With Love,
Matthew John
Audio version also featured on Higher Self Channel & Higher Self Portal