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Updated: May 18, 2019

This Scorpio Full Moon is the perfect time to do Shadow Work

Happy Full Moon in Scorpio! This Full Moon becomes exact on Saturday, May 18 at at 5:11 PM EDT (21:11 GMT).

When the Scorpio Full Moon rolls around, it holds a special place in my Heart. As someone with a Scorpio sun and a predominantly Scorpio chart, it is by far my favorite sign. I love the depth, the passion, and the life-and-death intensity of Scorpio.

As the most deeply emotional of all the Zodiac signs, Scorpio invites us to really honor the depth of all our emotions--especially the uncomfortable ones, like rage and grief. It asks for us to acknowledge the presence of shame and guilt within. It encourages us to honor the depth of the 'man' part of the HU-man—as in the physical, emotional, dense self.

As HU-man beings, we are both God (HU) and man. We are both spiritual beings and physical beings. For many of us in the spiritual community, we are much more comfortable with the spiritual side of things rather than the physical. If you read my Taurus New Moon article two weeks ago, you will recall that I stressed the importance of honoring the physical during Taurus season—doing things like connecting with nature, grounding, and eating well.

This advice is still very relevant for this Full Moon and for the next two weeks during the culmination of this latest lunar cycle. Scorpio ups the ante by bringing us face-to-face with the emotional body.

Any tendency of yours toward escapism or addiction will likely build up a pressure so great inside you that you find yourself overreacting with anger or crying for no reason around this Full Moon and over the next few days.

We have the feeling during this Full Moon that there's something deeper that hasn't yet been explored-- like there's a totally new level of rawness beneath the skin that has yet to come up.

The depth and intensity of the Scorpio energy scares many away, because it can be uncomfortable. However, for those brave enough to explore the depths of one's own consciousness and emotional body, the reward is karmic transmutation, which is one of the very reasons you came to this planet and one of the most important facets of the Ascension journey.

Scorpio, ruled by Pluto, represents the cycle of death and rebirth. As you feel the unfelt emotions within and honor the parts of you that feel unloved, unappreciated, unworthy, or not good enough, you are doing some of the deepest work that you came into this body to do. Another term for this is Shadow Work. HOW TO DO SHADOW WORK

Although I would highly suggest doing some Shadow Work with a trusted and experienced healer like myself or someone else you trust, it's crucial to learn to do it on your own as well. I have created a simple 5-step process for doing Shadow Work. It goes like this: Awareness, Acknowledgment, Gratitude, Alchemy, Integration.


The first step to shifting or healing anything within is becoming Aware of it. It could be a pattern of behavior, thought, or speech. The truth is that most of these patterns are inherited from our parents or those who raised us. These negative patterns get imprinted when we are between the ages of 0 and 6 and our brains are in what is called theta state. 98% of the world (or more) goes through their life in almost a trance, a slave to these subconscious patterns that they acquired at a very young age.

As an Awakening Being, it is an absolute must that you become one of the few who becomes awake to recognizing the self-limiting, self-destructive, and self-sabotaging patterns of behavior, thought, and speech that you acquired from those who brought you into the world. Once you became aware of a negative pattern, you can shift it.

Have you ever had the experience of observing yourself from above? You may have experienced this phenomenon while on a psychedelic journey, in meditation, or even in moments in daily life (occasions of deja vu can give you this feeling). Can you take a step back in this moment, take a deep breath, and observe yourself from above? Try it.

What kind of negative patterns of behavior, speech, or thought have you had today that were self-limiting, self-destructive, or self-sabotaging? I bet if you're really honest with yourself, you could make a whole list right now.

Good, now that you've become Self-Aware, you can move on to Step 2: Acknowledgment.


One of the paradoxes of life is best described by the old adage of 'what we resist persists'. There are things we don't like about ourselves and that we want to push away. That resistance is the exact thing that holds those patterns in place. The Shadow parts of ourselves will continue to rear their ugly heads until we acknowledge their right to exist.

One way to look at the Ascension journey is that it is a journey from duality into nonduality. We must learn to acknowledge the Divinity in all things, whether we prefer them to exist or not. The most difficult test of this is in the inner landscape.

It's OK to prefer certain aspects, personality traits, or patterns of behavior/thought/speech in yourself over other patterns in yourself, but you must learn to acknowledge the right to exist of the less-preferred parts.

So, as an exercise, once again in this moment I invite you to retreat to the space where you can observe yourself above. Once again, recall all the negative patterns of behavior, thought, and speech from today (or any time in the past) that you became Aware of. Now, tell these parts of you that they have a right to exist, and that you recognize their Divinity. Tell them that they are welcome. You are not pushing them away anymore. You are honoring them. STEP THREE: GRATITUDE

It's time to take this process one step further. To truly step into nonduality, we must be able to find gratitude for all things, whether we prefer them or not. The inner landscape is a wonderful playing field to practice this lesson.

Can you in this moment express gratitude for those self-limiting, self-destructive, or self-sabotaging patterns within you? If not for these patterns you would not have the motivation to become a more healed person than before. When you heal the Shadow Parts within, you send that healing back through time to heal your entire ancestral lineage AND you help to purge that Shadow Part out of the entire collective consciousness of HU-manity! Remember, this is both an individual and a collective Ascension, and what you do for yourself you do for All, and vice versa.

So, to continue with this exercise, I invite you to now express gratitude for all the Shadow Parts within AND for the self-limiting, self-destructive, and self-sabotaging patters of behavior/speech/thought that they show up as. STEP FOUR: ALCHEMY Imagine for a moment that you're a witch or a master alchemist mixing together herbs to make a healing potion. You wouldn't be able to make your healing potion first without knowing what your ingredients are right? And furthermore, if you were to be grateful for your ingredients it might make a more powerful potion, right?

So once you've acknowledged and expressed gratitude for all the ingredients (the Shadow Parts), it's time to male a healing potion. It's time to create new patterns.

From that space of observing yourself, identify what would be the Highest-Vibrational practice, exercise, or response that would transmute a specific negative pattern? For example, if you identified that you have a pattern of seeing others doing things on social media and then feeling unworthy or unlovable, what if you made it a practice to consciously wish others well (in your head or in comments) on social media and thank them (in your head or in comments) for showing you what kind of life is possible? Could you remind yourself that you are doing the best you can and congratulate yourself for how far you've come?

These are the sorts of practices that alchemize the Shadow Parts into the gold of wisdom and, yes, a better life! When you transmute the self-limiting, self-destructive, and self-sabotaging patterns within, you can't help but to feel happier, more whole, and more fulfilled!

The next and final step to this process is to integrate this work into your daily life. STEP FIVE: INTEGRATION

The most difficult part of this process, perhaps, is integrating it into your daily life. You might be able to alchemize a few of the patterns in this very moment, but can you sustain those new patterns going forward?

It's not easy. As soon as you forget to be vigilant about consciously utilizing your new Higher-Vibrational patterns of behavior, thought, and speech, you will naturally default back to the subconscious patterns of the past. It's only because you haven't had a whole lot of practice in being the new you yet. However, with some discipline and practice, you can truly become a totally new person!

Something that is really helpful is to use the word, 'NO!' with yourself. The instant you become Aware that you are engaging in a self-destructive, self-limiting, or self-sabotaging pattern of behavior, speech, or thought, say the word 'NO!' to yourself in a loud, clear voice, letting yourself know who is in charge! Then, choose an action, pattern of speech, or pattern of thought that is more High-Vibrational. Finding gratitude for anything is kind of a fail-proof thing that you can go to and it always helps.

To expound upon the previous example I used, let's say that you find yourself mindlessly scrolling through Instagram and you start to feel jealous of someone whom you think is prettier than yourself or living a 'better' life. The moment you become Aware that you're feeling jealous, say 'NO!' to yourself, and remind yourself that this person is showing you what is possible in your life! It is totally possible for you to feel prettier about yourself, regardless of how others judge you. It is totally possible for you to live a life with more fun activities and more Abundance. And go to the fail-proof, gratitude, and say 'THANK YOU for showing me what is possible in life and where I need to Love and appreciate myself more!'

If you keep being disciplined with yourself, you'll start to find that those negative spirals of behavior/thought/speech that may have previously spiraled into very self-destructive behaviors like addiction or escapism no longer get even close to to the depths of where they used to go before. You may find that you are immediately able to pull yourself out of the doldrums by being disciplined with yourself and choosing Higher-Vibrational patterns of behavior, thought, and speech.

Remember, you have Free Will to choose in every moment. When you aren't consciously choosing your actions, thoughts, and words, you are defaulting to those subconscious patterns that you acquired from your parents. That's not truly free will, is it?!

You don't have to listen to any thoughts you don't want to. You can choose to formulate Higher-Vibrational thoughts in your head. 95% of our thoughts are of the exact...same...theme. 95%! That's why it's important to learn to be vigilant. YOU are in control of what goes on between your ears. YOU are in control of your life.

You are not a victim to anything, anyone nor even yourself anymore. This is what it means to CHOOSE YOUR DESTINY. You get to choose which timeline you're on! Don't you want to choose the HIGHEST POSSIBLE TIMELINE?

The way that you do this is by doing your Shadow Work and alchemizing all of those self-destructive, self-limiting, and self-sabotaging patterns within into a NEW YOU who is wiser, more fulfilled, whole, and happier than ever before, regardless of your life circumstances. As you begin to master this, you'll naturally find others seeking you out for guidance and to help them do the same.

I hope that this discussion and lesson on Shadow Work has been helpful. Please remember to be kind with yourself. Being disciplined absolutely doesn't mean berating yourself or getting down on yourself for not being able to alchemize those negative patterns within, as that paradigm would just be another Shadow Part playing out within your consciousness. Be gentle, patient, and kind with yourself—always. Shadow Work takes a lifetime to master.

And one more thing, if there are things that need to be addressed with others with whom you're in a close relationship—be it a friend, partner, family member, or co-worker—now is the time to have those deep discussions. The Scorpio energies will really support deep, honest, and productive conversations.

It's also a possibility that things could 'come to a head' in relationships around this Full Moon, so remember to breathe and to choose your words carefully. Emotions will be heightened and everyone should be allowed a little more leeway than usual. If a relationship feels like it is ending during this moon, check back in a few weeks and see if you still feel the same or if the Scorpio energies were just pulling some Shadow aspects up to the surface to be negotiated. One of the best ways for the Shadow to be illuminated for us is in relationships, and just like the moon becomes illuminated on the Full Moon, the Shadow aspects become illuminated at the same time.

If you consciously work on doing the Shadow Work process as I described, though, it's likely that you'll be able to have Higher-Vibrational encounters in your relationships over this moon. Remember to breathe and observe yourself when you remember to, to see if you're acting/speaking out of an old negative pattern or embodying the new, better, more healed you that you desire to become.

Wishing you Love, Healing, and Wholeness on this Full Moon in Scorpio,

Matthew John

Article featured on Higher Self Portal and in5D.

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Thanks Valerie B :) Much love to you


Valerie B
Valerie B
May 18, 2019

I found your article through the Higher Self YouTube page and I'm glad I did. This article resonates so deep with what I've been experiencing and is helping me feel positive about the path I'm on now Thank you very much. I plan to return to this page in the coming days.

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