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Updated: Oct 16, 2023

Happy Full Moon in Sagittarius! This Full Moon at approximately 13 degrees of Sagittarius becomes exact at 11:40 PM New York time on Saturday, June 3 (03:40 GMT on June 4).

Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign that brings an energy of play, passion and spontaneity to the Zodiac. Ruled by optimistic, auspicious Jupiter, ‘The Archer’--which is a centaur--serves as a reminder that a life without spontaneity, risks, or new experiences is a boring one! Sagittarius reminds us to go after what we really want in life--unapologetically—and to not be afraid to take some risks on the way there.

Jupiter—Sagittarius’s ruler—plays an important and very auspicious role in this Full Moon Chart. It conjuncts the North Lunar Nude, which represents the soul’s journey into the future, in Taurus. This is a very benevolent and lucky energy; it comes as a much-needed breath of fresh air following the recent tumult of the last Eclipse Season, and the aggressive T-Square from the last New Moon. It also sextiles Saturn in Pisces, bringing optimism and good fortune for long-term projects.

Look for great opportunities to fall into your lap at this time. Be open to miracles. Allow yourself to feel as if you are consciously growing and expanding. The good fortune that finds you during this time will likely nudge you forward (or back onto) the Highest Path of your soul in this incarnation.

With this conjunction occurring in Taurus, we could see good fortune in financial matters. It is a propitious time to take calculated financial risks—however, with Jupiter and the North Node squaring an exalted Pluto (Retrograding in the first degree of Aquarius), being greedy could backfire and be costly.

There is a general sweetness and excitement in the air with this Full Moon. Sagittarius is the sign of optimism. The Full Moon sits directly across the Zodiac Wheel from the sun in Gemini. We are feeling the fun energy that Gemini Season brings, and feeling extra social! It’s a wonderful time to enjoy social gatherings, meet new people, and just talk a lot in general! It’s a great time to write and journal, too!

Sagittarius is one of the signs of the Zodiac that emphasizes freedom. The Archer prefers to roam free and untied, rather than to nest in one place like Cancer for example. One of the things to focus on over the next 28 days (and especially the next two weeks) is how to bring more freedom into your life. Mercury and Uranus are conjunct in Taurus (taking part in a stellium that also includes Jupiter and the North Node in this fixed earth sign), so we are going to feel a desire to express ourselves uniquely and authentically during this time!

We also are going to want to spend money on fun activities--or buy things that bring us pleasure, like toys, flowers and artwork. However, with Venus squaring Jupiter in

Taurus, we should take care not to overindulge.

As Taurus is a fixed sign, though, we may have a tendency to be unnecessarily stubborn. Pick your battles.

Sagittarius is the ruler of the 9th House, the House of Philosophy. Aside from being a roamer and an adventurer, Sagittarius is also the great philosopher of the Zodiac! With the Sag Full Moon, we naturally feel inclined to read books, learn new things, and engage in philosophical discussions. In general, Sagittarius is associated with emotions, adventure, travel, athletics, growth, international affairs, eccentric things and philosophy.

With Mars sextiling the sun and trining the moon, we are naturally feeling active and athletic at this time. It’s a great time to go hiking or to the gym; or to participate in sports. Mars also squares Jupiter, which can make people naturally competitive at this time. Be careful not to overdo yourself exercising!

Let’s dig deeper into this idea of creating freedom in our own lives.


As the adventurous Archer, the sign of Sagittarius epitomizes freedom!

Whether we remember it or not, each and every one of us are eternal creator beings playing in this third-dimensional game for fun, experience and Divine Service! It is especially true for those of us that are Starseeds that we absolutely knew what we were getting ourselves into when we decided to come to Earth.

We knew that we would be entering into a dense third-dimensional world fraught with perils such as war, disease, toxins and institutionalized socioeconomic inequalities. We also knew that the time would come when we would have the opportunity to play a pivotal Divinely-Guided role in helping to end the disease, strife, environmental toxicity, racism and economic suppression of the masses that has become the norm in this modern day.

For some of you, that role manifests directly via your chosen career or in volunteer or philanthropic pursuits; however for the majority of Lightworkers our contribution manifests more indirectly through our energetic work.

As above; so below and as within, so without; so if we wish to see energetic and earnest freedom behold the human race, we must strive to experience and express that freedom within our own consciousnesses.

With Jupiter and the North Node squaring Pluto, many of us will be feeling a desire for big changes; it is a very transformational energy.

Here are some questions of inquiry (and to journal on) to consider as you evaluate the role of freedom in your life:

  • In what ways have I been feeling stifled or stuck in life? Take into account all areas of your life: relationships; career; finances; health; and your inner world.

  • How could I allow for just a little bit more of a sense of freedom and spontaneity in my life while still keeping a healthy structure that allows me to grow long term?

  • What parts of me feel old and need to go? Have I been playing an old character? What kind of things trigger me into playing that old character? What kind of people trigger me into playing that old character? Is there anything stopping me from letting these aspects go, and stepping into a new recreation of myself?

  • What gives me a feeling of fire and passion? How could I structure my life in a practical way to allow more time to pursue my passions?

  • Where is some place I have always wanted to travel to? Could I make that happen before the end of this year? Or if not, then by the end of next year?

  • If I can't fully move around the chess pieces of my life to my exact liking right now, then could I be more spiritually mature and calm my nervous system more often—and teach it how to feel safe? What daily activities or rituals could help me in doing that?

One of the most important lessons that Sagittarius provides to the Zodiac is how to be unconventional and mix things up!


One of the themes that everyone experiences at one point or another is stagnation. When your energy stagnates, you're likely to experience bouts of depression and anxiety. If you feel like you've been stagnating lately—or even if you haven't—it's best to utilize the energy of Sagittarius to bring some adventure and variety into your life!

The Universe will often keep us in a situation where we feel stuck and stifled so that the frustration builds up so much that we finally take a leap of faith and make a big change in our lives. Undoubtedly, there will be choice points in your Life Plan where your Higher Self will nudge you to take a leap of faith. Courage usually pays off (and courage is a very Sagittarian trait!)

With Jupiter and the North Node squaring Pluto, we may be feeling a deep desire for change and transformation arising from within. But with Jupiter conjunct the North Node, luck is on our side now and over the next 28 days! With Mercury conjuct Uranus in the same sign as Jupiter, now is definitely the time to ‘get out of the box’--you never know what treasures may lie on the other side of taking a chance!

If it's not the time for you to make a big change, then you can shake things up in smaller ways. Perhaps you can plan a game night with your family; go for a hike in a place you haven't been before; plant flowers or trees; start writing a book; start a new workout routine; learn tai chi or yoga; make art; learn an instrument; go to an art gallery; go experience a new cafe; change up the furniture in your house; design an app; or start a YouTube channel!

With Venus and Neptune making a Water Trine with one another, we are feeling naturally creative around this time. With Venus in Cancer, it is a great time to work on creative projects that are expressions of your emotional experience.

It doesn't always take a huge change in your life to shake off that sense of stagnation. Actually, that is more often the exception rather than the rule. For most of us, the best way to integrate the Sagittarian energy into our lives is to add spontaneity in little ways.

Life is meant to be an adventure, although it's easy to forget that on this planet, where life can often be difficult, obstacle-laden, sad, dangerous and scary. But it’s definitely something that we are not supposed to leave behind completely, no matter what. It’s important to find the fun in being a human as much as you possibly can with whatever situation you find yourself in.

Yes, life is painful at times, but the more we can remember that life is an adventure, the more we are going to enjoy the little things in life. And furthermore, when we view life as an adventure, we are then able to let go of holding onto needing any particular outcome to manifest, because we know that no matter what happens, the adventure will continue.

When you are able to let go of needing any one particular outcome to manifest, you place yourself in perfect alignment to draw your dreams to you. If romance is one of the dreams that is on your mind, now is actually a great time to draw that to you!


If you are in the market for a new romantic partnership, now is a pretty auspicious time! Sagittarius is quite flirty and forward, and Gemini is super-chatty. With Venus squaring Jupiter, we are going to be wanting to meet and connect with a lot of new people! With Venus opposing Pluto, we will be feeling naturally coquettish.

With Venus squaring the North Node, it is a time when many people may draw karmic relationships to themselves, and those can be a bumpy ride! However, the way I see it is that if you’re meant to meet someone and have an experience with them, then it’s going to happen! So it’s best to just roll with what life has to offer you and not get too caught up in trying to control everything.

Wishing you a happy, fun adventurous Full Moon in Sagittarius!

With Love,

Matthew John

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