Hi there! I'm Matthew John. I'm a Spiritual Teacher, Spiritual Mentor, Intuitive, Psychic, Medium, Astrologer, Starseed Guide, Energy Healer, Medical Intuitive & Spiritual Life Coach working with angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters. He is a gifted intuitive, wisdom channeler and transmitter of healing frequencies.
As a Lightworker, Empath, Indigo & Starseed, my mission is to help HU-manity as a Spiritual Teacher and Spiritual Healer. The Universe has put me
through incredibly difficult tests since the age of 22 in order to bring out my psychic, intuitive, and energy healing gifts, as well as to cultivate a deep wisdom of what it means to be on a Spiritual Journey/Ascension Journey. All of this has happened so I can be of Service to YOU--the Ascending, Awakening, DIVINE 5D HU-man!
Whether I am of Divine Service to you in my popular
Ascending as One mentorship group or a private
session--or whether you watch one of my videos, read
one of my articles, or are merely 'browsing through'--I
am in deep gratitude to be of Service to you any way
that I can. It is my honor to help you awaken further
into your Divinity. YOU ARE A DIVINE HUMAN !
I invite you to browse through my worldwide 1-on-1
private session offerings below, or use the tabs above
to explore my group classes, events, retreats, webinars,
and FREE articles & videos!

"Thank you, Matthew...Your ability to connect and guide is a very much appreciated and has given me a most welcome direction." -- Christine W., Ontario, Canada

Quantum Angel Energy Healing & Soul Retrieval

Soul Plan Reading
Matthew John connects with the Ascended Masters and a group of healing angels to assist you in making powerful transformational shifts. You will release deeply-held cellular memories of trauma. You will be able to move forward into your destiny with greater confidence and clarity. You will likely feel light and refreshed afterwards.
Matthew and the helper spirits will do clearings for ancestral patterns and trauma and cellular memories; healing work on each of the seven main chakras; a cutting of negative cords with others; reprogramming of the subconscious with new supportive beliefs; as well as a comprehensive clearing of the aura on all levels, including clearing attachments, implants, etheric parasites and more. Matthew channels through codes to create healing of your specific issues. Includes psychic healing of physical health issues as appropriate.
You will be a brand new YOU after just one session!
The 2 hour FULL session also includes an Inner Child Healing, a Soul Retrieval and an 'Unhealthy Attachments Purging Ceremony'.
+ COMBO SESSION: 1 hr 10 min Soul Plan Reading + 50 min Quantum Angel Energy Healing/Aura Cleansing (2 hours total) $555 USD
+ 2 hour FULL SESSION (includes Inner Child Healing, Soul Retrieval, 'Unhealthy Attachments Purging Ceremony' & Quantum Angel Energy Healing/Aura Cleansing) $477 USD
+ 1 hour Mini-Session: Quantum Angel Energy Healing/Aura Cleansing ONLY $355 USD
+ 3-HEALING SESSION COMBO PACK: 2 hour FULL SESSION (includes Inner Child Healing, Soul Retrieval, 'Unhealthy Attachments Purging Ceremony' & Angel Energy Healing/Aura Cleansing) + (2) 1 hour follow-up Quantum Angel Energy Healing/Aura Cleansing Sessions $999 USD
In accordance with the laws of the State of New York (United States of America), all readings are for entertainment purposes only.
Matthew John connects with his and your Spirit Guides to read your Life Plan and channel details about your Soul Lessons and relationships during this incarnation. Why did your Soul plan certain events and relationships for you? What are you meant to learn? How can you best move forward? What are you meant to bring forth onto this planet? What is your mission/life purpose? Which type of Lightworker/Indigo are you? What is the karma that needs to be balanced between you and others (especially family members and romantic partners) in this lifetime? What messages are for you from 'up there'?
Matthew will receive specific visions about your future as well as direct guidance for you from his and your guides. He will also tell you what your specific Soul Lessons are in this lifetime, what your Service Work entails, and much more. He often will also take a look at your natal chart and incorporate astrology into your reading.
When you see your struggles, triumphs, recurring issues, and relationships through the eyes of your SOUL it allows you to move forward in your life with greater clarity and ease.
Includes Intuitive Coaching as appropriate.
In accordance with the laws of the State of New York (United States of America), all readings are for entertainment purposes only.
+ COMBO SESSION (RECOMMENDED!): 1 hr 10 min Soul Plan Reading + 50 min Quantum Angel Energy Healing/Aura Cleansing (2 hours total) $555 USD
+ 1 hour 45 min EXTENDED Session $444 USD
+ 1 hour 10 min Full Session $355 USD
Urgent appointments
available within 48 hrs at a rate of $699 USD/hr
(30 min minimum)
Save 10% off private sessions by becoming an Ascending as One member! All the information and register here.

Personal Spiritual Mentoring Packages
Sessions are conducted long-distance and worldwide via phone, Skype, WhatsApp or Zoom. Audio or video -- your choice!

Medical Intuitive/Intuitive Nutrition Reading & Chakra Scan
Matthew John connects with his Guides to channel information about your physical health and some strategies to assist you in healing. This may include recommendations for herbs and supplements; recommendations on what to eat and when to eat; and recommendations for modifying your lifestyle to give your body what it needs.
Matthew will also reveal to you the metaphysical/emotional reasons for whatever dis-eases or symptoms you might be experiencing, plus their purpose/place in your Life Plan and what beliefs/thought patterns will heal these dis-eases.
You will receive a follow-up personalized 10-14 page Intuitive Nutrition Protocol in your e-mail with a comprehensive list of recommendations, including:
- herbs and supplements with dosage recommendations
- diet changes
- lifestyle modifications
- personalized affirmations
- visualizations, subliminal tracks, and MUCH MORE
*Also includes a scan of your 7 main chakras. Matthew will explain how each chakra is functioning and strategies to heal weak chakras. You will also receive a Chakra Report via e-mail with the Intuitive Nutrition Protocol.
Note: Matthew is not a doctor nor a healthcare professional. You should always consult with your doctor or healthcare professional before taking any new supplements. Never stop taking any prescription medication without talking to your doctor or prescribing healthcare professional.
In accordance with the laws of the State of New York (United States of America), all readings are for entertainment purposes only.
+ Chakra Scan & Report ONLY via e-mail with foods, affirmations, and visualizations for healing challenged chakras $88 USD
+30 minute Medical Intuitive/Intuitive Nutrition Reading FOLLOW UP APPOINTMENT (*You must have already had a full Medical Intuitive/Intuitive Nutrition Reading done) - $177 USD
“Matthew John is a caring and genuine healer. I appreciate the practical advice he gave which has helped with my migraines, nicotine addiction, and managing stress. I would recommend him.” – Christine, California, U.S.A.

Starseed Discovery Session
As a Sirian & Andromedan Starseed himself, Matthew John is uniquely aware of the plight of Starseeds on this planet. We came here on a mission. Sometimes we lose track of the mission, or at least we think we've lost track.
This session will serve to deepen your connection with your Starseeded origins and to clarify your mission on this planet. When you remember why you came here and what you came here to accomplish, all that you have gone through in this lifetime begins to make a lot more sense.
Includes a guided astral journey back to your home planet to tour your home planet, meet your galactic guides and receive an activation! It is an unforgettable experience to return to your true extraterrestrial home!
In accordance with the laws of the State of New York (United States of America), all readings are for entertainment purposes only.
Includes a free copy of my An Overview of ET Races + Sirian Channeling class ($33 USD value!)
+ 1 hour 35 minute Session $444 USD
Travel into your future on your Highest Possible Timeline to see what life has in store for you! Please note that this is a journey and not a reading.
Save 10% off private sessions by becoming an Ascending as One member!
"Matthew is...extremely gifted with (foresight) and possess a unique ability to navigate the psyche to hone in our unconscious thoughts, allowing us to see clearly on who we really are! A Mind Blowing experience to say the least!" -- Michelle, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
"I appreciated the level of things he knew that I didn’t tell him but have been weighing on my mind..." -- QWain, chicago, u.s.a.
"I felt the Universe's energy throughout the call..."
-- samantha, florida, U.S.A.
"Very on the spot...(matthew) understands totally what needs to be done to move ahead." -- kavita, india
"Thank you so much for all that you shared with me and gave to me...Your insights have given me much to ponder (and) a direction I much needed." – Kim, Michigan, U.S.A.
"He helped remind me of my life purpose and mission and because of this, I cannot possibly thank him enough." -- THOM, LOS ANGELES, U.S.A.
Matthew is the real deal. His gift is amazing. He gets to the heart of the matter. He helped me heal and gave me the tools to continue my self healing. He’s easy to talk to and is very knowledgeable on many subjects. This investment is worth every penny.
– Theresa, New York, U.S.A.
"WOW! I am in awe and complete reverence to your gift: can't be more spot on!...you have a true and rare mastery. Thank you for sharing it with me!" – M.M., Michigan, U.S.A.
"Thank you so much for the amazing session...I just went out and walked about 3 miles at twice my normal waking speed...I feel good and my knee isn’t very sore at all. I haven’t walked that far in almost a year." -- Ann, Washington state, U.S.A.
"So much of what you said really resonated with me... Two thumbs up!" -- ANGEL, MICHIGAN, U.S.A.
"Matthew helped me gain clarity on several life challenges I have been going through..." -- RACHEL, chicago, u.s.a.
"I'm incredibly thankful for his help and would encourage others who are suffering to look him up." -- Brandie, connecticut, u.s.a.
"Thank you, Matthew...Your ability to connect and guide is a very much appreciated and has given me a most welcome direction." -- Christine W., Ontario, Canada
I am so grateful for the wonderful experience I had today...The spirit guidances you received for me were pretty on point. I know now without a doubt what I must do to clear my Dharma and karma relations and how to move forward in my awakening journey...
To summarize this I consider this day a "day of days". Thank you John for all that you do, and my most sincere gratitude. From one collective to another. We thank you. -Namaste- -- VICTOR, ALASKA
I truly appreciate your help, insight and guidance, helping me to overcome many of my fears, doubts and insecurities. Thanks to you, I feel that I am in a much, much better place than when we first spoke, as I am more secure of myself and confident in my abilities. You gave me the tools to help me navigate life more prepared than I had ever been, and for that I will be forever grateful. -- Agostinho, new york, u.s.a.

2025 Sedona Retreat -- March 19-23 -- Moondance Sanctuary
E-MAIL ME AT youareadivinehuman@gmail.com TO REGISTER
2025 Peru Retreat -- May 24-June 2, 2025
Cusco & Machu Picchu -- REGISTER HERE
2025 Hawaii Retreat -- November 7-11, 2025 Big Island
Super Early Bird -- SAVE 33% -- $750 REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT -- DEADLINE FEB. 11. E-MAIL ME AT youareadivinehuman@gmail.com TO REGISTER
June 19-21, 2026 -- DisclosureFest at Castaic Lake, CA -- Discover Your Star Origins + Sirian Channeling Workshop + LIVE READINGS AT MY BOOTH
Friday, June 27, 2026 - 7-9 PM PDT -- How to Truly Live a 5th Dimensional Life at Unity San Francisco -- $33. Purchase with the button to the right; Matthew will send you an e-mail confirmation and further information after your purchase -->